Chapter 103

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Indigo and Glenn came by the next morning. Simon had woke me up to tell me as much. I knew Glenn should be at work but wasn't at work and therefore, something must be wrong.

Dorian had rolled over to the other corner of the bed so I was able to get up without bothering him. I tossed on a cardigan and went down with Simon to open the door for them. 

I'm not sure why Simon was still awake. I know he had that talk with Leah, not sure how that went, he stayed up with me and is continuing staying up now, not sure why but he was there when I opened the door. 

Glenn had a mask over his flustered face. He was sick and Indigo seemed perfectly fine and excited to be there. Then her eyes fell on Simon.

"Morning," she said. "Who's the piece of meat behind you?" 

"Hawke, this is my teacher Glenn and his sister Indigo. Guys this is Hawke. Why are you here so early?"

Indigo maneuvered around me and made herself at home. Glenn offered an apology and waited until I let him in. Which I did reluctantly. Simon didn't seem at all bothered but he did seem to be considering leaving. Especially with Indigo constantly glancing back at him after touching every little thing in my living room.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" I asked Glenn.

He removed his mask and offered a tired smile. "Yes, i should. Indigo, however, wanted to stop by. Heard from Charlie that you weren't staying at home. Got worried."

"Yeah. Wanted to make sure you're still kicking," she clarified.

"Thank you for your concern, now what do you really want?"

"A job," she said shamelessly. "I went on an interview yesterday. They promised to call me this morning with the day I can start. I got an email instead that said I didn't meet the requirements to work with them..." she inhaled deeply. "How much fucking experience do I fucking need to scoop ice cream!"

"Maybe they already had someone in mind," i shrugged. "Or they were leaving the position open to bring in a family member or a friend."

"Well, i have things I want to buy! And bills I have to help pay! I need a job!" She dropped on her knees and started scooting towards me. With a heavy sigh I tried to look anywhere but at her. "Please, i beg you o' merciful overlord! Anything! Anything! A temporary job until I find something!"

"Glenn, would you like to go rest on the couch?" I asked him, ignoring Indigo completely.

He smiled. "Yes, please. If you wouldn't mind."

Indigo latched onto my leg. "Please!" She cried. "I'm broke!"

i rolled my eyes. "I once survived an entire month with only twenty dollars in my pocket. I think you'll survive."

"I'm not you! I have needs!"

"Needs and wants are different," i told her, kicking her off me. "I'm sure if you stop buying yourself shoes you're never going to wear then you'd have a good amount of cash on you."

"They're collectibles," she said then pointed at my display case of game systems. "You should understand that. You collect useless shit too!"

"Those are an investment, you take those words back, Indie. I don't need your shit here."

I offered Glenn some tea. He took it with a thank you and we all decidedly ignored Indigo's crying about how unfair the hiring process was. Which I understood completely. 

Simon watched the  two siblings with critical eyes and only glanced at me to ask a silent question of, why? Why were they here? Why was I tolerating this? Why did I become friends with someone like Indigo?

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