Chapter 70

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The bed was brought into the room without any time to spare. Carlisle even started doing all of his measuring of little Charlie in the wall beside the piano to reduce the amount of time she was taken outside for fresh air. At night when Simon was finally able to stay awake he sat at the piano and played a little something. More nonsensical sounds strung together. 

Everyone comes in every now and then to see and talk with the little one. Rosalie, now back from her hunt being the most to visit and the one with the most confidence to take little Charlie outside of the room and not be bothered of running into Bella.

Jacob sometimes takes her out but that normally meant they were going to spend time around the forest area, which not all the family members were accepting of. They wanted her to stay close, just in case.

But this time the visitor was Edward Cullen himself at a very awkward moment.

Augustus was asleep at last, having stayed up for several hours in a row either feeding and managing the baby much to his horror or watching over Simon that still hasn't stepped out to feed again after the first time.

Little Charlie that looked a few months old now probably a year was held gently on Simon's lap as he played random keys. The child joining on the key banging whenever she felt like it.

Besides those three no one else was in the room. Theo decided to stay around Charlie at night feeling bad for just leaving him for any amount of time and visit him during the day to talk and just chill when he wasn't working. Grace was out talking to Carlisle about what everyone would potentially have to be ready for. Demetri took the other three out to hunt. Making sure they don't stray too far and to stay away from the human populace.

Simon patted the seat next to him so Edward can sit. 

Edward tightened his jaw and sat. Flinching where their shoulders brushed against each other. Little Charlie, stared at Edward full of want and curiosity. Edward looked back just as in awe as the first time he heard her.

"Try holding her," Simon said. "She's been waiting on you."

Edward hesitantly took the little girl from Simon's hands. Little Charlie seemed excited and eager to be in his arms. Her hands extending to touch him. To show him what she's experienced. Edward's eyes widened slightly as he gasped in joy. He smiled down at her and then looked up at Simon that was playing the piano less hazardously than before. 

"... Thank you," Edward murmured. "You've shown more attentiveness to everyone in this house than I ever thought you possible of."

Simon smirked, "you mean by staying locked away in a room? Out of sight out of mind? yeah, like that's hard."

"You're starving."

"It isn't anything I can't handle," Simon muttered and his fingers glided down the keys a little. Hitting the wrong keys at some points but Simon didn't seem to notice his mistakes. He just kept playing with the piano. "I've been eating the food Esme brings Augie."

Edward frowned, "vampires can't digest human food."

Simon laughed, "I've only ever been a half, dude. My blood seems to be stronger than venom... human food is just fine for me."

Edward brushed little Charlie's hair aside and pondered on what Simon said. Edward chuckled a little as the girl in his hand shared more with him. "Perhaps you'd like to go hunting with me one day?" Edward asked.

"Yeah... no. I'd rather die again."

Edward laughed for the first time in a while. Edward didn't dislike Simon. He was polite and considerate in his own way but it was difficult to think about being friends with him when Edward's mind goes back to bruises and bite wounds and constancy shifts of care to indifference. Simon's carelessness to the fragility of humans bothered Edward a lot. His nonchalant reactions to her leaving was beyond Edward's understanding as well. Was it just that he didn't love her that much? Has it something to do because he died? Was Simon just that much stronger as a person?

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