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Luella was dressed for today's visit. Bella Swan was coming by to meet everyone. Thomas wanted them to meet her, but Luella knew that this dinner date was a waste of time. Edward walked up behind her and kissed her neck. She looked in the mirror at him. "I don't like the idea of this dinner, Edward."

"I know, baby." He said. "After this, how about we go on a date?"

Luella turned around looking at him. "I would love that." She tells him as she wrapped her arms around him. "We can get a hotel room and spend as much time as we want together." She ran her fingers through his hair as he looked at her with lust filled eyes. "I can tell that you want that too."

"You know how to get to me." He said as he listened for Thomas. "He's not here yet. So for right now, I'm having you."

Luella smiled as he kissed her. She squealed as he held her against the wall.
When Bella and Thomas arrived, Luella and Edward was nowhere's to be seen. "You have got to be kidding me."

"They're upstairs." Emmett said smirking. "Luella teased and you know what happened next."

They heard laughing and turned to see Luella and Edward walking into the kitchen. "Hi." She said. "Sorry."

"You're fine, Luella." Esme said. "Luella, I know you've met Bella."

"Yeah. We have a class together." Luella said. "And we spoke a bit."

Edward wrapped his arms around her. He listened to Thomas's mind causing him to roll his eyes. Luella knew something was wrong causing her to look at Edward. He shook his head causing Luella to walk away causing him to follow. "Baby?"

"I don't know what you heard from him, but don't worry about it." She tells him as she looked at him. "Thomas made his choice like you did with me. Don't do this. Let him be happy."

"He wanted you out of the house because he couldn't be around Bella."

"I know that, but you stood up for me. Thomas was pissed because he wasn't expecting to meet Bella." She said wrapping her arms around his neck. "Edward, just don't worry about him. Worry about us. Our future."

Edward looked at the blonde in front of him and knew she was right. He shouldn't worry about Thomas and his decision. He has his own mate and that is Luella Brady. The woman who teases him all the time. "You're right." He tells her as she looked at him. "I'm not worried about what happens. I'm worried about you. The only person I should be caring about."

She smiled as she hugged him. "I love you, Edward, but sometimes you can be a real ass."

"I love you too, Luella." He said laughing.

"How about that date you promised?"

Edward smiled as he kissed her. "Let's go."

Esme smiled as she watched Luella and Edward leave. She was right. Edward was being an ass today and she wouldn't allowed cussing, but the blonde pointed out the truth no one wouldn't say out loud. Bella looked at Thomas. "Um.."

"I don't know what to say about my brother and his mate, Bella." He said. "Come on, I want to show you something."

Bella nodded as she followed him, but she wondered when she will get to know Luella Brady better.

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