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Collapsing on the bed, Luella looked at her husband smiling. "Ready to go hunt?"

"Not just yet." She tells him. "I want to just lay here and cuddle with my husband."

Edward smiled as he has everything he needs. His wife in his arms. The word wife always made him smile. He thought he was never capable of being in love.

Looking at her, he saw Luella sound asleep. He chuckled as he covered them up. Laying down, he reached over to turn the light off and closing his eyes to act like he was sleeping too.
As soon as she woke up, Luella was in the bathroom throwing up. Edward heard her and wondered what was wrong. "I thought vampires can't get sick."

"You are half human, so you can." He tells her. "Do you need something?"

"Water." She tells him as she walked out, but felt the sudden urge to run back in the bathroom.

Edward was confused as he went to get her some water. He never saw his wife this sick before, then the memory came back to the wedding. Eleazar said he was surprised she wasn't pregnant due to the fact that her gift was to have kids and that if she touches someone who can't have their own will give them the chance to becaome parents.

"She's pregnant."

"I'm what?" Luella says gaining his attention. "Did I hear you correctly?"

"Remember Eleazar talking about your gift." She nodded. "You're probably further along, but we have to find out."

Luella didn't know what to say. She was pregnant by the love of her life. She ran to Edward and kissed him. Edward held her close as he couldn't believe this was happening. They pulled back smiling. "Thomas may have screwed up by using me as a shield, but nothing and I mean, nothing will change this for us. We're starting our own family."

"That we are, baby."

"I love you." Luella tells him. "Want to go hunt, I think I want blood."

Alice smiled as she looked at Jasper. "She's pregnant." She announced. "Luella and Edward are gaining us a new member in nine months."

"Did her gift work on those around her?"

"Not yet." She said. "I think we should give it time."

They nodded as they sighed. "Do you think we will ever go back to Forks?" Rosalie asked.

"In time we will." Carlisle tells them. "Thomas has to think of what he wants and he also needs to learn to protect his own mate besides using another mate for a shield."

Esme kissed him. "Thomas realized the mistake and he will fix it. It's going to take time, but he knows he screwed up." She tells him. "Alice, do you know when Edward and Luella will join us?"

"Nope, but I do know the second part of the vision that shocks me."

"What will that be?"

"Announcing the pregnancy to the Volturi."

The Cullens stared in shock by this big decision. "Carlisle, call them now. Please." Esme says. "We need to talk to them as a coven and parents."

"That is one big decision they are making." Emmett says.

"At least they are protecting the baby." Rosalie says.

Carlisle grabbed the phone and dialed Luella and Edward's number. "Edward, we need to talk."

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