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You were honestly going to scold Usopp for lying, you really didn't like lies, but you understood the situation a bit, sometimes white lies didn't hurt anyone, it's more in this case they even helped one of his friends, Kaya, to smile when no one else could.

In the middle of their conversation, the liar had to leave since according to him 'it was time to go', then a few minutes later the other three children who accompanied him entered demanding to see their captain, they were scared to see that he was nowhere .

"Uff the meat is great!"

Luffy scared away the poor boys who thought that that meat was Usopp's, Zoro did not help when he confirmed that they had eaten him with a mocking smile, you giggled when you heard Nami scream as the trio looked at her as if she were the monster guilty of that. Clearly they ended knowing that he was simply gone, they nodded as if they were already expecting it.

"It may be time for him to go to the mansion."

Said one of them.

"He goes there to lie."

"But that's not right."

You nodded at your captain's words, but another of the children spoke again.

"No, no, it's actually good."

Everyone understood the 'lying situation' better despite having already been explained previously, everything was much clearer, Usopp really was a good person. With no more time to lose, as they had been talking before, they would ask for a boat to lend you. When the three children led you to Kaya's residence, there was a little mishap with the lady's caretaker, Kurahadol, he was beaten by Usopp and you had to get out of there, although Luffy went looking for the liar, who was in his typical place to de-stress.

You sat next to the boys, noticing how one of them was missing, you decided to ask, they answered that Tamanegi always disappeared and ran back. As if it were destiny, he appeared pointing back on the road.

"Danger! A guy is walking backwards!"


His friends quickly dismissed his claim, though certainly a rather strange guy came along, walking backwards, he was the glamorous hypnotist Jango.

"Who says I'm weird?"

Nami confessed that him looked weird while you raised your hand silently, the man clicked his tongue explaining that he was just a common hypnotist, then he pulled out a pendulum as the children demanded a trick. He wiggled the rope for a count of three, the children and he fell asleep too, you would have fallen for the trick if it weren't because you were more focused on looking at his heart-shaped glasses, man, now you wanted glasses that cool.

When the children woke up they saw how Usopp ran in a hurry towards the town, this could only mean problems, they deduced that something had happened on the coast so the trio guided you to where you found Luffy asleep on the ground. You stretched his cheek just enough for the blow to wake him up. They had to notify the people.

The thing did not go well because everyone thought it was another of Usopp's typical lies, but he declared that that was fine, he would make everyone believe that it was a lie and that those pirates would not pass the beach

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The thing did not go well because everyone thought it was another of Usopp's typical lies, but he declared that that was fine, he would make everyone believe that it was a lie and that those pirates would not pass the beach. Luffy smiled stretching his arm, you also smiled knowing that another battle would await you.

"You... are you really going to fight by my side? But why?"

"It shows that you are scared to death."

Even though he tried to deny his claim, his shaky legs gave him away, they kept arguing about the situation, night had fallen a while ago so clearly you fell asleep quickly. When you woke up, the only thing you could see from the trunk of the tree you were in was Zoro trying to climb a slope full of what appeared to be oil, he kept slipping without being able to advance.

After several attempts, with the help of his swords he managed to get out of the trouble, he ran so fast that he did not have time to notice that you were still there, thinking that Luffy or Nami would be with you. You shrugged your shoulders, carefully lowering the branch, you didn't care much, better not get involved in the fight for now.

You walked slowly trying to find the other port, since you assumed that if there was no one here it is because there would be another entrance, your gut roared after a while walking, so you stopped to eat an apple that you carried in your bag.

As you passed through the village, you saw how Kaya was walking with difficulty, you hurried when she stopped for a few seconds, tired from her illness.

"Miss Kaya, is it okay for you to come out?"

She looked at you with a small smile, nodding, you looked at her worried when you met the other three children, they were also worried about her condition. Joining threads, they discovered the truth behind Usopp's lie, the town was actually being attacked by pirates.

Without wasting time you headed to the north entrance, although your pace was slow because Kaya couldn't go too fast, you held her hand to steady her despite being a little. When you arrived, Kurahadol had huge claws, many pirates slumped on the ground, Luffy was prepared for fights, Nami had a cut on his shoulder and Zoro had a wound on his chest.

You patted your face, sighing, why did they always get hurt? You should buy more cloths for everyone because your old white cloth was already pretty tattered, even though Nami sewed it next to Luffy's hat, it wouldn't last much longer. The fight continued and Ussop sent his 'crew' to protect Kaya, thus keeping the children protected too, but you could not just run away, you took advantage of the slingshot blow that knocked down Jango creating a distraction, you quickly climbed to the top of a tree , almost stumbling in the process, but managing to get there without a scratch.

Unfortunately you did not see how Jango himself came out after the trio and the lady, you were focused on Zoro's fight, which ended once and for all, now they would go to defend Kaya with Usopp in tow. You sighed in relief but all your peace of mind went to ruin when one of Luffy's attacks hit the tree you were in, you gulped when you heard the crunch below you.

"You idiot Luffy!"

You screamed jumping to avoid hitting the ground, accidentally landed on Kurahadol's shoulders, silence reigned for several seconds, a nervous tic appeared on the forehead of the man you were on.

"Damn brats, they've had enough of me, you'll be the first to die!"

He took off you of his shoulders cutting your shirt to hold you with one of his sharp claws, you kicked trying to get rid of his grip but it seemed impossible, Luffy's rage could be seen from miles away when that pirate raised his other claw ready to harm you. He stretched out his arm hooking himself to the body of the opponent who growled in annoyance, ready to hit you both however your leg escaped kicking... certain noble parts. Your blow combined with the straw hat knocked out the villain for once.

Before Luffy collapsed against the hard ground or your ass hit the ground, Nami caught you, leaving the boy on the ground, who was smiling broadly, you sighed heavily, lying on the ground and rolling to the boy, noticing how you approached he looked at you checking that you did not have any scratches, his lips curved even more when he noticed that you were unharmed, grabbing your body and leaving it on top of his in a hug.

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