𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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You figured that having so many failed nap attempts interrupted by literally two orangutans brought some luck, as they didn't start a fight after seeing that you meant no harm and were, in fact, treating their friend. This caused another one of those strange friendships of Luffy.

You sighed leaning against Ussop's leg who was startled to see how the diver, Cricket, suddenly stood up, asking for silence because of the three new friends since they were just clowning around. He watched at everyone, lighting a cigarette, letting the smoke billow out gently as he began to babble on about Norland. This same man was his descendant and had dedicated his life to finding evidence to prove that Norland was not a liar as everyone painted him.

You could only feel bad for him, at least now you wouldn't believe that story that Nami read, you wanted to believe that all that gold really existed and exists, maybe you're just looking on the wrong side.

"I want to go to the sky island!"

Luffy being the barbaric thing that he is, completely nipped the issue in the bud by focusing on his next aim, the sky island that the log pose pointed to. Cricket laughed at your captain's impatience, leaving Nami to read the captain's log, possibly Norland's since it was dated some four hundred years ago. To everyone's surprise, there seemed to be some relationship with a "sea in the sky" along with the description of some devices called wavers, so little information was enough to get you excited like no one else.

Cricket told you some things without knowing if they were true or not about that floating island, in turn informing you that if there was any way to ascend there it would not be possible unless a stream called 'knock up stream' will drive the going merry. Although unfortunately you would not have much time since the log pose would only last one more day before it pointed to a different island, it was decided, you would leave tomorrow, for now you only dedicated to enjoying a good meal, at least they, for your part you preferred to sleep the naps that you had not been able to have before.

Although you unfortunately missed an incredible night in the forest in search of the bird that had exceptional orientation, despite being constantly attacked by the animals and insects of the forest, Nami was glad that for once you were not with them, because you were going to go out with most of those bugs asking if you could have more pets, no, no, she refused completely.

Unfortunately it's not like you're going to have a quiet night either, Bellamy arrived a while after the group left for the woods, the entire fight managed to wake you up only to find something you wish you hadn't seen, all three men being mercilessly beaten as they tried to defend themselves, but the worst thing was how a part of the merry had broken, you didn't know if it would be repairable or not, but the damage was enough.

You clenched your fists when you saw how the blond smiled arrogantly, holding back tears of impotence, you rolled up your sleeves ready to do anything to protect everyone, but before you could take a step, a tug on your bag made you step back, looking to one side you found a worried Shiroi, no way were you messing with a group of men much older and stronger than you. Refusing to remain idly by, you grabbed a stone, without time for the bird to react, you threw it right into Bellamy's blond hair.

He turned around slowly, laughing at your bravery once he noticed your small body standing in the doorway of that house.

"It seems that children also want to play huh?"

"Fuck you!"

You repeated the same action, only this time your opponent dodged the rock without difficulty, from one second to another the man had you by the collar of your shirt, you kicked while he laughed at your uselessness.

"Don't stick your nose where they do not call you."

"Shut up hoe! Put me down, put me down!"

His brow furrowed but he did nothing more than watch silently as you moved your feet in the air, until you decided it was time to break free of his grip, you ran your tongue over your teeth, opening wide to take a good bite of his forearm, in turn noticing your actions, Shiroi pecked at his face, causing him to instinctively have to let you go.

You fell on your ass to the ground, but you backed away as much as possible as soon as you could, you were prepared to take more bites if necessary but another guy from the crew stopped Bellamy.

"Come on, it's not worth it, we already have the gold"

He clicked his tongue, looking at you one last time before speaking and disappearing into the darkness of the night.

"Remind your captain who's in charge, brat."

You bit your tongue as you watched everyone disappear in their own boat, seeing the havoc they had left behind, knowing you hadn't been able to do anything, you helped Cricket lean against the wall of the house, the half-conscious man gave you a few taps on the back.

"You're a brave child, but you shouldn't get into other people's problems."

You held back your tears again as you nodded, putting the knowledge you'd learned from Chopper into practice to help the three of them. The rest were not long in coming and the word 'anger' fell short of how they felt about the whole situation. Not only because of the new injured friends or the destroyed going merry, but also because of knowing that they had made you cry and made you think that you were not worth being a pirate. Luffy could blow smoke from his ears.

Even though Cricket said let it go, your captain wasn't going to allow it, so he left promising he'd be back at dawn, you would have gone with him but you had no desire to see stupid Bellamy again, you just hoped that Luffy humiliated him in front of all those people who fear or adore him.

In the meantime, you dedicated yourself to helping Usopp with the ship's repairs ─along with some other dynamic details─, you hardly slept for the rest of the night, partly to be able to help as much as possible and knowing how Luffy was, you knew he wasn't going to have no problem beating that blond idiot, what you hoped was that he would arrive on time as promised or he would have to forget about being able to reach 'sky island'.

You could hardly keep your eyelids still, opening and closing constantly to keep from falling asleep, just when you were starting to nod off, Luffy's scream was heard in the distance making all the drowsiness disappear for a few moments. He had been late for hunting a beetle, for which he took a beating from Nami.

With no time to lose you all boarded the new merry, looking like a turkey according to Luffy and Usopp, nearly falling as you jumped onto the bow, an arm emerged from the wooden planks to gently grab you, you looked up to meet Robin's wide eyes.

"You've endured a lot tonight, you should rest, we'll take care of the rest of the trip."

She smiled at you sweetly, completely reassuring you, you nodded rubbing one of your eyes, you raised your arms asking her to take you to your bed, as soon as you touched it you fell asleep instantly, making the historian laugh silently, leaving a short kiss on your forehead, coming back for helping others in whatever they need, would be a bumpy ride, but your tiredness could handle the worst of storms.

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