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Your eyes snapped open, hitting the ground when your body fell from the hammock you were resting in, a terrible roar was heard far above all other sounds, you bit your tongue covering your ears. What you least expected to see as soon as you opened the door was a huge screaming whale, you blinked a couple of times to check if what your eyes saw was true, the loud scream of the animal confirmed it completely, managing to wake you up in just a second.

Instinctively you looked for the others, Nami being the only one who seemed close, you went to her side, grabbing the lower part of her skirt, watching in silence as Going Merry descended at full speed directly towards the island whale. They all had the idea of trying to miraculously dodge that whale, however Luffy thought differently when he fired a cannonball straight at the poor thing.

From one moment to another the ram's head came off right next to you, you screamed pulling Nami who quickly crouched down leaving you in her arms, you clung to her trembling figure while your captain screamed for his favorite seat, now the attention of the the whale was fully on you when it was struck in the eye. Everyone lost hope at this point, the large mouth opened creating a stream of water that dragged the ship into the animal. You were all swallowed, all except Luffy, who was dedicated to kicking the whale as if that would solve something demanding that it return you.

You were honestly better asleep. Now you had to deal with the worry that nothing would happen to Luffy while you're stuck here, luckily you understood that this idiot was miraculously spared danger.

You let out a gasp of astonishment when the darkness that enveloped you completely changed, it seemed as if you had entered another sea, the others were left confused when they saw a small house in the middle of the stomach of a fucking whale.

"W-what is this place?"

Ussop trembled looking around paranoid, becoming even more frightened when a sea monster emerged from the depths of the water, Zoro prepared to cut it into pieces but another man appeared thrusting a huge harpoon into the giant squid-shaped creature. Everyone was silent watching how that old man with a rather strange hairstyle in your opinion disposed of the monster with brutal force, you could only let out a slight childish giggle, whispering against Nami's leg.

"He looks like a peacock."

You sighed bored by the talk of the elders, without being too interested, you just got some information, and, although you would have been interested in listening to something, your hearing failed for a few minutes, as you could not hear anything around you, you simply lay down on the floor of the boat to draw on a paper that you kept in your bag, it had a strange texture but you didn't take importance. Remembering now, you always had that piece of paper that you never used, you shrugged your shoulders starting to nonchalantly trace the Merry.

When you were satisfied you picked up the paper, seeing your beautiful drawing, you smiled to put it in your bag, the bag where that bird rested, well, it even slept more than you, you didn't blame it after all, and it was still hurt. Your ears perked up when you heard the voice of someone very familiar to you, when you returned to where the others were, you saw Luffy fly through the air accompanied by two other unknown figures.

"What's up guys? Are you all okay!? By the way help me."

You sweated at the situation, certainly relieved that that idiot was okay, as soon as he got on the boat you gave him a little kick in the leg, your frown made him laugh so you went to pouting and complaining.

"Silly Luffy, you scared me."

You only got him to laugh more reaching your figure with his arms to leave you on his lap, resting his head on top of yours.

"Don't be like that, look! I'm perfectly."

You grumbled a little more but accepted his hug, quickly changing your mood, a good hug could cure anyone of your tantrums and he knew it better than anyone. The attention shifted towards the two mysterious people, a girl with light blue hair and a blond boy, they took out a kind of bazooka to shoot towards the whale's stomach, but the old man, Crocus, avoided the attack with his own body.

Luffy immediately hit those two guys, you looked at him wanting to scold him for hitting people for no reason, but you really couldn't, those two wanted to do something to the whale and that wasn't right either.

"At least they're just unconscious."

You murmured approaching the two intruders patting their heads as if to affirm that they would be fine for now, paying more attention now to the story of Laboon the pirate whale, it was sad, it must be hard to wait for your comrades for fifty years, thinking that that crew must already be dead made you feel bad for Laboon. If you could you would give him a hug, but it was impossible, if you could stretch your arms like Luffy maybe you would consider it.

Crocus helped you leave the interior of the mammal through a huge channel that led you to the sea, gazing at the sky again, letting a breeze of air stir some of your locks.

"What do we do with these guys?"

"Just throw them into the sea."

You snorted upon hearing the conversation between Zoro and Luffy, looking at them with a frown upon hearing the sound of two bodies being dived underwater, you kicked towards them with a pout.

"Hey, that's rude!"

"And what did you want us to do? Ask them for permission?"

The moss head put his hand on your head shaking it carelessly, he outlined a smile when he saw how you crossed your arms, it was too easy to make you irritate when they did this kind of thing, man, seeing your reaction was adorable.

"Yes! First you ask them nicely if they can go, something like, 'would you mind getting off my boat? Please?'"

"Mmmh what if they say no?"

"Then you have permission to throw them overboard."

Ussop and Nami sweated when they heard you, they thought that both the swordsman and your captain were being a bad influence. Zoro laughed when he saw an innocent smile planted on your face as if you hadn't said anything wrong, shaking your head more to the point that you ended up getting a little dizzy, when you removed his hand from your head you fell on your butt with a pout.

"Be more careful marimo!"

Immediately a mark of irritation could be seen on the temple of the mentioned, looking with daggers at the blonde who took your body in his arms, squinting at Zoro, they spent a few seconds in tension until they began to fight while you were still in Sanji's arms.

"Stop you two orangutans!"

You caressed the welts of both men, now lying on the ground due to a beating from Nami, you gave them a quick kiss on the forehead to go browsing with Luffy who was holding a kind of bracelet with a compass in the shape of a ball. Looking with big curious eyes you wondered what would that be? Strangely had a familiar shape.

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