𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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You turned on your axis contemplating your new clothes in the mirror in Izo's room, the man had offered to make you some clothes for the party, rather drunk with a party excuse to celebrate that you were there. He just wanted to get away from carrying the beer kegs so he ran off with you under the pretense of giving you a nice outfit for the celebration.

He was able to make something decent out of some fabrics he had laying around, not that he was a seamstress but being stuck at sea for a long time made you want to learn new things and he seemed pretty good at arranging his old kimono along with other clothes so it wasn't surprising watch him make you a cute outfit gracefully and elegantly pretty quickly.

"Can you do my makeup too?"

Not that you cared too much but seeing him in makeup also made you want to do it, and since nobody could deny anything to your little face, he simply agreed to put some rouge on your cheeks along with a bit of lip gloss.

"Ready! How are you?"

"Like a great pirate princess swordswoman cook and super cool doctor!"

Izo could only laugh at the mention of so many things, he didn't know the Straw Hats personally, but was clear that you appreciated them enough to want to imitate them. The door to the room slammed causing you both to look at it, slamming open, Ace fell face first on the ground while your bird desperately flew towards you.

"My food!"

You gasped as you watched his fist catch on fire, having a faint memory of Luffy trying to eat your precious friend, you knew better than to let Ace store your bag while Shiroi slept.

"My friend is not your food you asshole!"

"Geez, what scathing language for a child"

"The boys teach it to me."

Izo hid his laugh when he saw how you hadn't understood his expression, seeing you take pride in your vocabulary only made him laugh more, added to the expression that Ace made made him want to laugh more at the situation. After apologies for the second person who thought your poor bird was food, the three of you went up to the deck, there were still some things to prepare so you dedicated yourself to playing with Haruta, who at the moment had nothing to do. Whitebeard could only enjoy the desperation of his son because you were crushing him in tic-tac-toe, tired of losing he gave up, but not even Jozu who happened to be passing by carrying two barrels full of alcohol could beat you in most of the games.

Whitebeard was having a 'proud father' moment as his now little and only daughter proved to be smarter than some of his older children. Because yes, this pirate did not care that you already belonged to another crew, just knowing that Ace liked you so much he made you be under his protection without even having to look at your adorable face.

The party did not take long to start later, music, cheers, laughter could be heard throughout the ship, people who had not yet succumbed to the effect of alcohol were dancing strangely while others continued to drink like barbarians, as in the case of the captain, who despite his medical condition did not spill a drop of his drink. Ace on the other hand was with you during the first hours, knowing that you were going to receive much more food just for you, he took advantage of sitting next to you, stealing food from time to time, you didn't mind at all, used to giving part of your ration to Luffy did the same with his brother.

"Let's drink to our new little sister!"

You reflexively closed your eyes due to your increased hearing just at the wrong time, wincing but grinning as everyone cheered, some more mindful than others, Ace gave you a small nod to sit on his lap for a moment, when you did you looked silently at the small bowl that he held in front of you.

"If you drink it we will officially be siblings, come on, Whitebeard will be like your father too."

You silently looked at the bowl of sake, the word 'father' echoed in your mind, as if it was something forgotten, you turned your head to see the captain of the ship, who offered you one of his best and warmest smiles, you always had a mother figure, being Makimo who guided you during your short life, but you never thought that paternal gap would be missing, you never considered it until now, but Whitebeard had made you feel so comfortable and loved in so few hours at his side, his presence was very comforting for someone like you. Damn it, with all the courage you could muster you snatched the bowl of alcohol from his hands, bringing it to your mouth to gulp it all down, immediately regretting it when the first gag came.

You did not expect it to be so bitter, and worst of all, that it burned your throat so much, you could even feel a certain tingling in the part of your lower lip where the drink had made contact. You tried to suppress the urge to throw up as much as possible because everyone had their eyes on you, your face started to turn so red that some thought you had stopped breathing just because you didn't want to throw up.

The worst was when you thought that everything had passed, you took a deep breath, looking up without looking at anyone in particular since you didn't know exactly who to look at, but you raised your little arms in victory, making the crew jump again full of joy , and as soon as everyone celebrated and you put your arms down you let it all out. Holding back for a long time, your body couldn't take the poisonous substance you had ingested, deciding to expel it right into Ace's pants. Luckily the screams seemed to drown out the sound of your vomiting agony, except for someone who would know that this was going to go wrong at first.

"I told you to put juice or some soft drink, not alcohol-yoi."

Marco crossed his arms, he wasn't going to deny that he enjoyed the disgusted face his partner made, but he knew that drinking alcohol for the first time wasn't going to feel good to you, it's always disgusting. At this point you didn't know if you heard blurry or smelled images because everything was spinning, not to mention the pain in your gut and the bad taste in your mouth, the doctor approached you carrying you in his arms, he rubbed small circles on your back trying to distract you with something while he went to his doctor's office, he washed your mouth, made you do some gargles, gave you a sweet to avoid the bad smell. After stuffing yourself with food and taking it all out you felt extremely tired, also because it was already quite late and most of the day you had stayed up without naps with Zoro, which accumulated your tiredness.

Marco led you to Ace's room, assuming that the boy would end up drunk enough to sleep somewhere else like many other times anyway, or at least he wouldn't mind if you slept with him. He cradled you on the bed carefully under your watchful eye, you were still somewhat disoriented, just as he was going to leave you grabbed the bottom of his shirt, making him look at you waiting for you to speak.

"Good night kiss."

Marco's cheeks stained, not expecting to have to do something like that, he looked at you silently asking if he seriously should do it, somewhat embarrassed, he only received a simple nod from you, he gave up completely, looking towards the door to make sure no one would see him being a softy for a child, since you didn't even have to beg. His lips rested only a few seconds on your forehead, which satisfied you enough to let him go once and for all. Not that it was a custom for you to be kissed goodnight, but lately Sanji and Nami were spoiling you by wanting to sleep with them because they had to give it to you if they wanted to sleep completely at ease.

"Hehe... pineapple kiss."

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