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"Nami-swan, Vivi-swan!"


You and Sanji arrived with the others after a while walking through the forest, it seemed that they had just had a great battle, they all had bandages on their bodies and their clothes had almost disappeared.

"Oi Sanji, how come you appear now without having come to save us!?"

"What the hell!?"

The blonde ignored Ussop's complaint when he saw a giant with a long beard, next to him another with a shorter blonde beard, also with some bandages, you laughed silently contemplating both giants, being received by a warm hug from Luffy, he kept you in his arms as you briefly greeted everyone, resting your head on your captain's shoulder as Sanji explained how he had spoken to Mr. 0, in turn he heard how they had fought against Mr. 3 and company. You were little or nothing interested in the details of the battle, since seeing that everyone was perfectly, you were not alarmed, you even had a mini celebration that night with the giants that you met as Dorry and Brogy, they allowed you to sit on their shoulders, impressed is a word that fell short when you could contemplate the view from such a height, it was so cool that you decided to take a photo, of course you also took a photo next to the giants as a memory.

You had recently been thinking of making a small photo album of all the places you visit, since your writing was not that clean or good, plus the images could transport you to that scene in an easier way for you, you already had the camera, however, you didn't have any notebook to be able to paste the photos, that is, the next time you step on a market it would be to buy a notebook, perhaps some material to decorate that same album.

Putting your thoughts aside you let Luffy finish with your meat skewer, surrounding the fire that illuminated the darkness of the night like the half moon, you approached the liar to lie on his lap, wanting to hear hisimpressive and not invented stories at the same time that the giants told some others of when they sailed as pirates. Ussop stroked your hair carefully, a smile tugging at his lips throughout the night, at a certain point you stopped paying attention to the conversation and sleep took over your body.

You woke up because Luffy along with Ussop were making a fuss singing a song about the giants of Elbaf and their homeland, you wanted to cuddle with your bird again but the dream seemed to have completely disappeared by now. You slid out of the hammock touching the ground with your bare feet, rubbing your eyes to go to the kitchen, just Sanji came out with some plates for the girls, saying that he had hidden your snack inside so that no one would eat it. Your mouth watered when you saw the mochis that he had prepared just for you, but since you were a good girl you decided to walk around the deck to share your food.

It was easy to find your captain and the sniper since they entered just when you were going to leave, you offered them one of your sweets, which they accepted with a smile, leaving the kitchen you found the moss head on exploding his body again even after a battle. You frowned, stealthily approaching the man, once a foot from him you jumped onto his hip, grabbing onto his shoulder, climbing up his body until hanging from his neck. Zoro... Zoro didn't even flinch at the extra weight, too focused on the massive weights. You puffed out your cheeks, squinting, inadvertently shoving the mochi into his mouth, causing the man to drop the weights, almost choking on the food.

"There, there, rest a little Zoro."

Taking advantage of the fact that he stumbled while trying to regain his balance while keeping you out of harm's way, you planted a short kiss on his cheek, hopping towards the next person in sight, completely ignoring that you almost killed him by your actions. Vivi and Nami were sitting by the mast, eating the portion that Sanji had prepared for them, your smile widened, accelerating your steps until you were at their side, offering again some of your snack, which to your disappointment they rejected, well at least you could have more for yourself, although you would save a couple for the cook and Karoo ─who was resting─, since now you wanted to be with the girls.

"So is it cool to live in a huge castle, wear nice jewelry and have servants Miss Vivi?"

The princess chuckled, nodding without wanting to break the idealization in your head, surely taken from one of your books, however, she also did not want you to have the wrong idea that everything was the color of roses.

"It's a pretty well-off life, but that doesn't mean it's easy to be a princess, oh, you don't have to call me miss, Vivi is fine."

"Kay, and I know! That's why we're helping you, because there are bad guys in your kingdom, wait a second, does that mean you're a pirate warrior princess?"

Beads of sweat slipped off both girls' foreheads at your assumptions, leaving you to ramble a bit about how great that invention of yours was, causing both of them to look at you tenderly.

"I have decided, I will be a swordswoman pirate warrior princess!"

"Isn't that a long title?"

"It doesn't matter! It's still great."

"I don't know why, but I feel like the title is going to get longer somehow..."

Nami murmured, coughing painfully when she finished speaking, this did not go unnoticed by Vivi, since she was aware that your navigator was not in her best condition, instinctively she moved her hand towards the redhead's forehead, gasping in surprise when she noticed her high temperature. The outbreak of her only made you leave your bubble of thoughts, noticing now how Nami did not look good at all, when you tried to approach her and hug her you walked away as soon as you made contact with her exposed skin due to the heat that radiated from it.

"Nami has a horrible fever!"

The princess's cry alarmed the entire crew, they all gathered helping her navigator to take her to bed so that she could rest while they thought that the weather had been the cause of that misfortune, but it was something much worse. Surprisingly you were trapped in the arms of Sanji who was crying like a baby for his beloved Nami, being you the one who comforted him instead of the other way around, since you were also worried.

"Is there no one who knows about medicine?"

Everyone fell silent pointing to Nami, a new discussion on whether food could be of use or not in this case, the cook expressed his position once he got serious, leaving you on the floor to help Vivi take the temperature of the patient. It seemed that it was getting worse.

"We have to find a doctor to save Nami!"

Luffy roared, earning effusive affirmations from you and Ussop while Sanji whimpered again, the option was rejected by herself, who reported with a newspaper from three days ago, the war in Alabasta was getting worse, they couldn't waste time, not now.

"I'll be fine without having to see a doctor... thanks for worrying about me."

She left without letting anyone say anything, she was immediately followed by the other two boys, leaving you alone with Vivi and Karoo, your lower lip trembled, you contained the urge to cry by approaching the princess carefully, you passed your little arms through her neck in a hug, which she returned quickly, you stayed that way long enough until she let you go, a determined look on her orbs made you effectively calm down. You both came out on the deck, drawing everyone's attention, before Vivi cleared her throat to speak you ran towards Nami, clinging to her waist, she ruffled your hair weakly with a vague smile.

"I have something to ask of all of you."

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