𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

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You woke up in the middle of the night, sadly getting rid of the warmth that Robin's arms gave you, but you had a need to cover, as if you shared the same thought with a certain boy, Ussop also got up to, just like you, cover basic needs.

You smiled at him as you walked a little further towards the altar where Merry rested, when you finished, you find Ussop frozen in the same place, trembling in his boots as he pointed to the early morning mist that encircled the shape of the ship. You couldn't see much because of the thickness of the fog, but your ear picked up the sound as if someone were hammering.

"Wh-what will that be?"

"Can we go look?"

"GAH-! No way, what if it's a monster that wants to eat you?"

Ussop didn't use his best card against you to stop you from exploring, seeing how your eyes sparkled at the word monster and skipping the part where you were probably eaten, though he tried to stop you, sleep won out, which you seemed to forget as for the mention of something potentially dangerous waiting around the corner.

It was a disappointment to get on the boat to find nothing, you walked around the deck but there seemed to be nothing, just when you gave up, you heard the sound of a hammer hitting metal again, turning towards the mast that was completely destroyed before, you met a figure of your height, it had a yellow raincoat that shone a little due to the mist.


The person turned their head, looking at you for a second to return to their work, your eyes shone with astonishment when you noticed that that person did not seem to have a face, although you could notice a small smile on them, you approached them to see they work in silence, trapped by the strange creature encouraged you to help them, it couldn't be anything bad, they were fixing the Going Merry!

Although the dream was not long in coming back, you tried to stay awake to help that mysterious person but you could barely stay awake after a couple of hours of help, you ended up asleep, the hooded figure covered you with a blanket and then disappeared upon seeing the first sun rays.

"Look, I told you! It wasn't a dream after all!"

You woke up by Ussop's scream, finding yourself facing Sanji, he smiled at you, holding your bag next to a grumpy Shiroi because he was scared when he didn't see you when he woke up, although everyone was worried when they didn't see you by their side, luckily this time you weren't in trouble. Everyone began to wonder who could have repaired the ship, because they seemed to know exactly what it was like and you clearly didn't have any friends here, which led to all eyes turning to you, you blinked as everyone fell silent, looking at you in silence until which Zoro asked.

"Did you see anything last night? Did someone repair the ship?"

"Oh yes! I helped... a... an... I don't know what it was, they looked like a child in a yellow raincoat, but they had no face!"


Nami and Ussop hugged each other thinking about a terrible faceless monster as if it were the most terrifying thing possible, the others just shrugged their shoulders, for the moment they didn't think much of it, they had other things to do right now, it was time to explore! So you adventured with Chopper, Zoro, Luffy and Robin while Nami, Sanji and Ussop along with Gan Fall stayed on the ship.

Not even five minutes after entering the forest you already encountered a gigantic snake, your feet moving by themselves while your bird pulled your bag back, you just wanted a caress, a caress and you could leave the snake alone... to your bad luck some limbs blossomed from the ground and threw you into the tree where Robin was, you made a grumpy pout, you didn't even care that that monster melted an incredibly thick tree with its poison.

"Watch out Robin!"

She affirmed her grip on you, jumping from the branch where you were, you stretched out your arm in midair hoping you could brush the snake's head... so close and yet so far away, you couldn't achieve your goal. It was a tug-of-war of dodge and attack that resulted in a technical escape, you all ended up separated, but at least you stayed with Robin, silently praying for Zoro, hoping that something could guide him on his way so he wouldn't go around in circles.

"It seems that we have been left alone, huh?"


You kicked the ground in dejection at not having been able to pet the snake, Robin hiding a slight laugh behind the palm of her hand at your state.

"Don't worry about that, I'm sure you can find exotic and less dangerous animals in this forest, besides, I need my bodyguard."

"Right! Don't worry Robin, I'll protect you!"

Completely changing your mood, you hit your chest, jumping to action, walking in front of her to lead the way you didn't know, but at least Robin was leading you little by little, letting you go ahead as long as you felt accomplished with your 'work'.

"Oh look at that Robin."

"Hmm... that was probably a house, fortunately there are still some remains."

You couldn't get any closer to the ruins when some kind of goat man with weird little horns landed right on the uninhabited house, smashing some of the remnants of the ancient civilization.

"Woman! and... child? whatever, this road leads to the sanctuary of God! You can't go on!"

"I don't listen to idiots unless it's Luffy."

"Please come down from there! Do you have any idea of the historical significance of those ruins?!"

You crossed your arms frowning, what's up with all these guys who don't take you into account? They hadn't detected you as a criminal at first but you were here too. Robin was quick to finish off the guy before you got ahead because you wanted to kick him where the sun don't shine.

"What bad manners."

You nodded effusively at Robin's words, walking past the guy who was dying of pain from her attack, taking advantage of his state, you lightly kicked his side, earning you a howl of pain and a hateful look, you stuck your tongue out at him and followed the archaeologist, looking curiously at the old buildings, listening as she told you related things about related types of architecture.

You went further into the ruined city, with careful steps and a Shiroi alert for all kinds of noises, although you were already attentive, your hearing bothered you for a few moments, hearing a couple of screams in the distance, despite the fact that you could not distinguish from who they were, you knew for sure it was someone on your team, you tried to take your worry away, they know how to take good care of themselves, just like you! That's why you decided to separate a bit from Robin with her permission, you just wanted to supervise some houses while she went to the center of the place where there seemed to be a large tombstone.

In most houses there was nothing special, destroyed furniture, vines, moss... until you entered a house, looking through one of the rooms you found a small golden bracelet, but it was too big for you, you made a grimace but immediately you smiled again when you saw that on top of a dilapidated bed there were glasses similar to the ones Zoro had, only in a different color.

"Hehehe... it's okay to take a little memory, now I can combine with Zoro."

You looked both ways as if there was someone who might scold you, sharing one last look with Shiroi who whistle as if he wasn't watching you steal, you smiled as you grabbed the glasses, although, like the bracelet, they were a little too big for you, at least you were able to adjust them to let them rest on your neck for now.

You decided that you completed your exploration, returning to Robin to find that she was not alone, a rather large man appeared and as always, a new fight was about to start. You hid behind the wall you were standing on, giving a thumbs up to Robin who had seen your figure out of the corner of her eye, maybe it was time to test the bombs Ussop had lent you? Considering that 'borrowing' was stealing, you grinned as you rummaged through your bag.

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