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okay so here's the deal, if I do go ahead and rewrite the story the writing style might change quite a bit. and I need your guys' input!!

do I keep the original plot line with only minor changes or scrap the whole thing?
do I keep the smutt scenes and edit them or get rid of them all together?

the only problems readers have expressed are:
-Mineta being the one to make a disgusting comment
-Uraraka being out of character
-ships that aren't Mina and Kiri

SO. Do you guys want me to change who is the "bad guy" viewed in this story? and keep any ships that aren't Mina and Kiri out? If so that'll definitely change the plot at some points

LASTLY. This story is a bit dramatic and if you guys want me to change the plot should I go ahead and tone down the drama and just make it straight fluff??

if you give me your opinions it's greatly appreciated!!! seriously! based off the comments on this I'll make a decision on whether or not I'm going to rewrite it and how. So if u start to see updates and changes that's why! If you reread after I write it again it's also very VERY much appreciated. Love you guys!

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