𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 12

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thanks for reading everything so far guys! <3

     Mina got to her room harshly shutting the door, she dropped her bag, grabbed her pjs and towel and headed to the showers. Her lip quivered as she held back her tears, she took off her swimsuit setting her pjs on the benches in the center of the room. She got in the shower and clenched her fists, 'he was drunk. i understand that. so why..why am i so mad? why is this hurting me so much?' Mina moved under the shower head and started washing off. She couldn't help the tears flowing down her cheeks. Her lip quivered more as her body slowly shook. Once she was done Mina leaned on the wall, trying to stop crying. Eventually she gave up and got out. Dried off and put her clothes on. Mina walked out of the bathroom to see everyone getting back. She wiped her face and tried to sneak past everyone but Momo saw her. "Mina?" Mina bit her lip and crossed her arms over her stomach gripping her sides. Momo got in front of her as well as Jirou, Hakagure, and Tsu. Mina cowered a little when Jirou spoke up, "are you okay?" Mina nodded avoiding eye contact, "i'm fine" her voice sounded brittle. Tsu sighed and hugged Mina, Mina hugged back gripping Tsu slightly. The other girls joined the hug as Mina started sobbing, her nose runny and tears dripping on Tsu's shoulder. When she looked up Minas cheeks were red and her face was slightly splotchy with tear stained cheeks. Hakagure took Minas hand and they walked up to her dorm where Hakagure gave her a blanket and plushie. Momo came up a few minutes later with ice cream and root beer. Jirou and Tsu followed with cups and spoons. Mina smiled softly as she sat comfortably eating root beer floats with her friends. The girls kept Mina distracted until they looked over and she was sound asleep, a lot had happened today and she was worn out. They cleaned up and left the room quietly.

     Mina woke up and looked around. She smiled as she remembered her friends taking care of her, but then the other events of yesterday came too. She sat up and exhaled. 'it's okay. show em who's boss. YOURE FINE' With that she got up, changed into a dark pink skirt, checkered tube top, and an oversized jean jacket. Put her headphones on and clicked on her 'badass' playlist. She went to the bathroom brushed her teeth and put lipstick and eyeliner on. When Hakagure walked in she clapped, "you got this Mina! Kiris an ass!" Mina laughed a little, "thanks girl" She left and grabbed her heals from her room putting them on. She walked to the common room and looked at Jirou, "wanna hang out today?" Jirou looked at Momo and Momo nodded. "yeah sure let me get ready" Mina smiled and sat down when Jirou left to get ready. Denki walked in and looked at Mina, "wow what're you doing today?" Mina looked up and shrugged with a bigger smile. When Kirishima walked into the room everything went quiet and Mina crossed her legs and arms. Sero walked in after and pecked Denki on the cheek. Denki blushed and Mina winked at Denki. "M-Mina..can we talk?" Mina glanced at him and shrugged, "i have plans today. so uhh no." Kirishimas facial expression went from confused to mad to sad. He knew he didn't have a right to retaliate. He messed up. "okay." He sucked in a breath. Mineta was sitting on the couch and muttered, "looks like the slut moved on pretty fast. probably already has a new sex buddy." Mina flinched at the words and gripped the seat. Kirishima turned to him and walked forward his blood boiling, but the loud smack sound didn't come from Kirishima. "Don't fucking disrespect her you pig." Denki was standing over Mineta with an angry expression. Everyone was taken aback, Denki was usually so clam and laid back.

to be continued lovely's!

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