Part 9

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Jimin's POV

"Hyun, come here baby. Mama's here, honey" walking to my baby in fast steps, I was glad that he wasn't crying anymore like he did when I first arrived.

"Mama, Auntie Jihee..." he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, worried about his auntie even though sleep was coming to him.

"She's okay, baby. Auntie Jihee's okay," patting his back, silently trying to lull him to sleep since the boy must've been shocked plus tired after experiencing such incident in such a short time, I gave my focus to the stranger who was observing us quietly from just now.

"I'm sorry to have made you wait for me and even took care of my son. Do you want to discuss about your car? I'm sure it's Hyun's fault for crossing the road during red light," sitting at the empty waiting area, the floor was quiet without a lot of patient due to the fact that my sister was brought to a VIP room by the man in front of me.

I just agreed when he said that he'd like to be responsible for the hospital bill since his friend had drove over the speed limit as well, and I just hoped this didn't backfire me in the future.

"It's fine, don't worry about the car. How's your sister?" he queried kindly, appearing more responsible compared to how he appeared.

He looked like a rich brat from the way he dressed, but my opinion was quickly changed based on his behavior since the first call.

And his voice was...familiar.

"She is okay," speaking it out slow, biting my inner cheeks to hold myself from dropping any tears in fear that Hyun would be sad about it, the man realized my action immediately and looked at Hyun in my arms.

"He's asleep, I'll let you know if he wakes up" he whispered soft, eyes focused on Hyun and I couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

I was so worried.

Fat tears ran down my cheeks as I hugged the sleeping boy tight in my arms, and I buried my face into Hyun's small shoulders, grateful for the fact that the two are not that badly injured.

Jihee woke up a bit just now and seemed okay from the way she spoke to me, but she'd need probably a month to heal her fractured leg and shoulder.

She also needed to be warded as the doctor still had to check a few things inside her head, afraid that she might have suffered concussion or any inner bleeding due to the hit.

Although I didn't really know much, the doctor assured that everything should be fine from the way Jihee answered his questions earlier.

But I couldn't help but cry still.

She's my beloved baby sister.

Realizing that the man in front of me was extending his handkerchief to my way, I nodded a bit as I accepted the item.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to cry that much - uh, Mr...?" not catching his name ever since I arrived, I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. And you are Mr. Park, can I call you that?" he asked back, assuming my name since he had learnt Hyun's full name when the nurse called for the boy just now.

"Uh, just call me Jimin. I'll call you Taehyung too, is that okay?"

"Sure, I prefer that way better too"

"Thank you for bringing them to the hospital, Taehyung. I don't know how I can repay you," thanking him, I felt grateful from the bottom of my heart that he was one of the people who didn't commit hit and run crime.

"It's what should be done. I'm sorry for making your son experience this at such a young age too," he even apologized, and I took a deep breath before letting it out slowly, carefully moving Hyun to rest comfortably on my lap without waking him up.

"I've taught him not to cross the road without an adult's presence in fear of something like this will happen, but still, I guessed he learnt it the harsh way," brushing Hyun's hair away from his forehead and wiping the remaining tears at the edge of his closed eyes, I smiled small looking at how calm his sleeping face looked.

"He's so strong for his age. After you ended the call, he quiet down instantly and held your sister's hand all the way. He did shed tears, but he did it very quietly" Taehyung told, and I smiled looking at my baby.

"I'm glad he didn't trouble you,"

"He never was a trouble. I'm sorry but I have to go now. This is my number, please do contact me if the hospital still called you for any outstanding bill," he sounded to be rushing after receiving a text, and I read the name card he handed to me.

A phone call came through his phone, and he took the call instantly as he waved me goodbye, and I just watched as he took fast steps to the lift whilst speaking into the phone.

A director of a company?

Isn't board of directors usually consist of rich investing people who controls a company?

So he really is a rich brat.

Who's not a brat.

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