Part 15

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Jungkook's POV

Waking up and realizing that Hyun was not in my arms, I looked around to the now familiar bedroom.

I fell asleep after putting Hyun to nap earlier.

In Jimin's house.

It's been a few weeks after my first visit to their home.

After saying to Jimin that I wanted to know more about them, I had been visiting their house frequently after getting permission to come.

I started by coming with Taehyung, before I mustered my courage to visit alone.

Although I admitted that it was quite awkward at first, I had a certain longing to see the mama and the son thus, making me braved myself to meet them.

Hyun was just so adorable.

He's looked just like me except for his plump lips he got from his mama.

He's really mine.

Getting out of the room, I searched for the boy, and my ears caught Hyun's voice from Jimin's bedroom.

My feet moved on their own and made my way to the duo, and decided to peek in to see the two interacting with each other.

I felt a bit guilty for peeking without permission, but I didn't plan to stop my urge.

Hyun seemed to just able to climb the bed and crawled to Jimin, before plopping himself on his mama's back who was lying on his front.

"Why are you here, Hyunnie? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping with Uncle Jungkookie?" Jimin didn't seemed to be surprised from his son's action, and I smiled looking at how perfect the two being together.

"I miss mama," Hyun mumbled sleepily, but since he was facing away from me, I couldn't see the face he was making.

He might probably had his cheek squished adorably on his mom's back.

"Awh, come here baby" Jimin turned his body to face the door before pulling the boy to be in his arms, and I hid myself behind the wall, afraid to be seen.

Hearing the ruffles died down, I decided to peek again and the sight once again warmed my heart.

Hyun was now comfortably resting inside his mama's embrace and had his head resting on Jimin's chest.

"What are you watching?" The little one asked, looking up to see Jimin's face, and Jimin smiled soft before locking the screen of his tablet and gave his sole focus to the boy.

"A scary movie that you can't watch yet," I observed as he patted Hyun's bottom, lulling him to go back to his afternoon nap.

"When can I watch it?" Their conversation was never louder than whispers, that I could only hear them because there's no other noise around the house.

"When you're as tall as mama," he bopped the little boy's nose with his finger, and I saw Hyun burying his face into Jimin's chest.

"No way I can be as tall as you, mama" he muffled against Jimin's shirt, and I was the only one who saw the lovely beautiful smile he gave at his son's comment.

"You will, baby. My Hyun will grow up so tall and strong one day, I know. Even more than me," he kissed Hyun's hair crown as he hugged him tighter, whilst Hyun snuggled to his mama closer too.

"Really?" he muffled into Jimin's shirt, wanting confirmation from the male.

"Surely. But to grow tall, you have to get enough sleep. Do you want me to sing your favorite lullaby?" He spoke soft, and I saw the boy's head nodded a few times, without moving away from his comfort zone.

After a light chuckle from the father, Jimin's soft voice soon resonated through the room.

He got an unbelievably calming voice.

A gentle pat.

A loving warmth.

All for his son.

As I was admiring him, my eyes accidentally fell onto his body.

He was properly dressed probably because I was here, but lying down by his side with his son hugging him close had pulled the fabric and exposed his milky skin to my eyes.

And I could clearly see the shape of his body.

(a/n: Jibootyyyyy and le magnificent thighs!!)

He's really that guy from the night.

I remembered him vividly.

His curves. 

His trembles.

His cries.

His everything.

I remembered them all.

Getting lost in my memories of him from that night, I realized that I had went too far when I looked down to my pants.


In broad daylight, really?



"Can I help you with anything?" Jimin talked soft as his sleeping son was still inside his arms, but it made my head ran wild at his question.

I'd be glad to receive your help for sure, Jimin.

But there's no way I'd tell him that.

"N-Nothing. Since Hyun's already asleep, I'll go home now. You don't have to see me off. Goodbye!" Sprinting away from the door without hearing reply from the man I've been daydreaming about just a few seconds ago, I quickly left the house.


That was totally uncool, Jungkook.

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