Part 2

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Jimin's POV

Attracted by the charming smile and the very much more charming voice, I was guided to the entrance of the house after I handed my car keys to the male.

Like I was in a trance, I just walked through the entrance door, and everything fascinated me.

"Here's our welcoming drink," the handsome male from earlier came up to me with a glass of drink, surely an alcoholic drink and again, I took it from his hand before my head could think.

Probably being too tired for working endlessly for these few weeks, I decided to just let go all of my rationality at that moment, and did what my heart wanted.

Goodbye, brain.

See you when I see you.

Chugging down the drink in one shot, my throat was burning down to my stomach making me squinted my eyes closed, but I didn't let it faze me.

Hearing the boy cheered me for finishing the drink, I just smiled handing the empty glass back to him, and then he brought me to walk all the way to the other side of the house.

As soon as the door opened, my heart felt the boom of the speakers straight, since the area was where the equipment was all set up.

The pool was magnificent.

The boy then led me into the sea of wild people, naturally passing me another few drinks that I finished in two to three sips.

Feeling the drinks kicking in, I started to enjoy the sound I found irritated much in the beginning, and swayed my body to the beat.

"If you want more drinks, we can go back inside the kitchen," the man shouted by the side of my ear since the music was too loud, and I just nodded, finding the alcoholic drink to my taste.

It's good, really.

Whoever made these drinks could become a bar or club owner and I'd go there just for the drinks.

Or they already have a club under their name?

I'll ask the bartender later if I ever remembered about it.

Stepping inside the renovated kitchen that was now was looking more like a small bar filled with people, the man who guided me brought me straight to the counter, and my, the bartender's hot too.

"Newcomer?" The bartender asked the guide with his hands busy making drinks, and I just decided to watch them talking.

It's not everyday that you can see hot guys interacting with each other.

"Yeah, treat him well. He loves your special drink," the guide told friendly, and from the look of it, they didn't seem to be strangers to each other.

They seemed comfortable with each other, not even my presence made things awkward.

"The pink one?" The two boys looked at me waiting for my answer, and I felt special being the center of attention of two very attractive human beings.

They're human...right?

"The pink one," nodding as I gave my answer, they seemed satisfied and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding the whole time I was being stared by the two.

"Coming right up," been given such charming smiles, a thought of this being a dangerous place came to mind, but I brushed it off.

If this was really a dangerous place and I'd probably be killed tonight...I just hoped that my little sister knows that I love her a lot.

I didn't want to leave this dangerous place yet.

Not yet.

Unexpected [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now