Part 6

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Jimin's POV

I didn't know what exactly happened the day after, but I remembered that the man wasn't there when I woke up. 

Although my body was hurt all over, but I do know that I was covered with a bathrobe and seemed to be bathed.

Leaving the big mansion even though I could barely feel my ass, thankfully my car was parked close by, and I was able to collect the key from the guard easily.

Resting for the rest of the weekend, I admitted that my thoughts was filled with how we had sex without protection on that night and anxiously told my younger sister about it.

"Jihee," calling her name, I lied down comfortably on the bed and I covered myself with the comforter, ready to rest for the night to prepare myself for work.

Tomorrow's Monday.


"Yeah, oppa?" she answered, and I smiled hearing her gentle voice.

"What will you do if I got pregnant?" diving straight into the topic since that's how we have agreed to talk whenever we had something on our minds, the line fell quiet for a second.

"Who's the father?" she blurted the question, and I smiled hearing her unchanging tone.

She really lacked reaction, I tell you.

"I don't know," replying to her, she fell quiet once again before I heard her voice.

"Are you -"

"No, I didn't go through something horrible, although, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, I had a one night stand," cutting her off before she could finish the question, I didn't want my sister to have even an ounce of worry crossing her mind about something that never happened.

"Oh, wow. What gives?" she was back to her usual twenty-two years old self, using that monotone voice of hers.

Geez, at least pretend to be shocked.

"I just, I don't know. But it just happened last Friday night, so I don't know if I am really going to get pregnant or not," having nothing to tell her since it was really what had happened other than an impulsive reckless act on my part, I just hoped that my sister won't do the same thing as I did in the future. 

"What do you want to do, oppa?" she didn't try to dig further into the issue of my one night stand, at which I was glad for, but her question made me think for a while.

"I think I want to keep the baby," giving the answer soft, somehow feeling confident that I was definitely going to conceive a baby in me even though nothing had been confirmed yet,  I had a feeling that my sister won't be against it as well.

"Then I'll support you. I don't plan to be a mom yet, but I'd love to be an auntie in the nearest future," she answered just as I thought, and I smile soft, a relieved sigh left my mouth.

It's always the two of us in this world after mom and dad left, and having a new life would surely bring us joy.

"Thank you," thanking her sincerely for always being there for me, there's nothing I would ask for other than us being together for a long, long time together.

I hoped she'll meet a good person one day.

My baby sister.

"No worries. I'll visit you with a test kit in a bit," she suddenly told, and I laughed a bit at the info.

"Don't. I googled it up and they said I can only know after around three weeks. It's barely two days after it happened," stopping her from coming, knowing that she would take about an hour to come here from her hostel, I told her the info I obtained from the internet just now.

"Oh damn, that's a long time," she sighed, sounding more impatient to know the result more that I was, and I just chuckled at her cute behavior.

"Focus on your study, it's your final exam next week. I just want to tell you this first since I don't want you to be shocked if I suddenly told you I'm pregnant,"

"Sure, oppa. Just make sure to tell me when you're going to check, okay? Even if you didn't get pregnant, you can just try for a one night stand again, or just find a boyfriend, right?" she commented so casually like it was not an issue at all, and I was a bit baffled at that.

"Shush, no more talking about this. Bye," quickly cutting off the topic from being converse, Jihee scoffed at my scold.

"I'm old enough to talk about this, oppa. But whatever, love you" she retorted, being so open-minded, and I just take it that this issue was really common these days.

Too common that she didn't even think a lot about how very wrong this actually was.

I should speak to her sometimes about this.

About not to do one night stand.

About the importance of drinking moderately.

About not to have unprotected sex.

About being responsible for your actions.

"Love you too," but deciding not to lecture her about this for now, I decided to just end the call this time.

And true enough, confirming my instinct, I was declared pregnant by the doctor after the third week passed.

Jihee seemed happier than me upon receiving the news, and I was glad she was there with me when I went for check up.

She decided to move out from hostel straight after her exam ended and lived with me, helping me with house chores when I was too sick in the first trimester.

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