44. Difficult Conversations

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"What happened to your arm?", my mom exclaimed as soon as I got home.

"Nothing, it was an accident. Where is Baba?", I asked as I put my things down. The pain meds were wearing off now, but I was distracted enough with the decision that I had recently come to that the burning sensation was still bearable. 

"What kind of an accident?", my mom asked again, "Your dad is dropping off your brother and Omar to the planetarium for some sight-seeing. You had us pretty worried with your text message, what is going on?"

Just then my dad came through the apartment's front door. 

"What happened to your arm?", he asked eyeing the bandages.

"Just an accident Baba...can we talk please?"

"Fine, but be quick. Omar's parent's are joining us for dinner", he said taking a seat at the small dinner table. 

Oh shoot...I completely forgot they were coming in to town today. 

My mom had taken a seat at the table too now, and both parents were looking at me with confusion. 

Here goes nothing...just lay it all out!

"Mama, Baba...you are not going to be happy with this, but I...", I hesitated to complete that sentence because my father had already stiffened up and his forehead furrowed.

"...I can't marry Omar", the words finally came out. 

"WHAT?", my dad yelled, abruptly getting up from his chair. 

"Akbar sit down", my mom said firmly to my dad, placing a hand on his arm, "Noor and why not? There are 5 days left for your wedding! Whatever it is, just put it out of your mind, its too late to back out now"

I had to laugh internally. I had been trying to put it, him, out of my mind since the day I had agreed to marry Omar. 

"I don't love Omar, and believe me I have tried..."

My dad looked at me with his eyes wide open, "You don't love him? THAT is your excuse? Who the hell loves their spouse before marriage anyway? What kind of romance novels have you been reading? Wake up...love, romance are all made up crap! Omar is a fine boy, who will take care of you..."

"But Baba...", I tried to explain myself.

It wasn't just that I was not in love with Omar now, I couldn't ever have those feelings for him. 

My dad got up from his chair again and pointed at me, "You are getting married to Omar, even if I have to drag you to the wedding myself. You should be ashamed of yourself, thinking that you are some sort of a modern day heroine in a love story. That is not real life. I can't believe you're willing to give up everything for some stupid fantasy"

"Its not a fantasy dad. I...", I hesitated again.

I had not planned on telling my parents about Salman yet. Informing them about my unwillingness to go through with the wedding would come as enough of a shock. 

"Then what the hell do you call this? Refusing to marry a perfectly good boy, who is interested in you, who is a doctor just like you and most importantly someone we know for sure has a good character", dad said. 

Then placing both his hands on the table he leaned forward and asked, "Explain to me what is wrong with him.."

"There is nothing wrong with him...", I started to say.

But my mom interrupted me, "Is there someone else? I have asked you this before, and you said no. But I am going to ask you again, is there someone else you are involved with?"

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