Chapter 9

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I flipped through the pages as I crunched through my chips. Honestly, I don't know what I was looking for, I think what I wanted to do was kill my time. But I didn't have to wait for long, because Trix' alarm clock soon went off. I stood from my bed, slowly. I was clean and dressed, so I have no need to hurry, unlike Trix. I closed the book with a loud 'thud' and stood up. Then, I went downstairs, deciding to help the others in making breakfast. It was a good thing I did because there were less people doing the chores today.

Out of curiosity, I decided to ask one of my fellow workers about this.

"Most of them went training, they said something about having to learn self-defense," was her answer.

Was is something about the vampires I had heard of? I hope not! Vampires were the most greedy creatures I have ever known of. They were even worse than the wolves, if ever I had to choose a side- werewolf or vampire, I'd definitely take the werewolf's side. They are much nicer and they at least don't turn random humans into werewolves. I heard the reason on why there were so little humans left was because vampires has turned any human they have seen into a vampire. Vampires didn't care whether or not they get hurt in war, because their basically dead already.

"What about you?" I asked.

"We take turns in lessons, well, some of us have to stay behind and do the work after all, and some of us aren't turned yet," she answered. 

After making breakfast, I grabbed a tray and filled it with food, going to Caine's room. He looked stressed, staring at a bunch of papers as he examined them, reading each word thoroughly. He looked so focused that I mentally debated whether or not to give him the food. I mentally slapped my forehead. Of course I should, it's my job to give him food and do whatever he wanted. I gently placed the tray on a part of his desk that wasn't filled with papers.

He looked at me, "Do you want to change into a werewolf?"

That question wasn't the kind I was expecting. "I don't know," I answered truthfully. He seemed to have been expecting a yes or no answer. He stood up and walked in front of me. "I need an answer, I can give you a day's time but no longer. We're running out of time and... I'm worried for your safety. I need to know if you want to turn into a werewolf, by any chance, so that you can protect yourself." 

What he said had me surprised, he cared for me? He was worried for my safety? Why? I am just a mere servant.

"I-is this about the vampires?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

He looked at my eyes, as if he was trying to read my soul. "Yes. They might be planning an attack sooner or later, and I want you to be safe."

"Oh," was all I could get out of my throat.

"Chances of us losing are high, they have taken a lot of humans and changed them into vampires, even before they hated us," he said as he glanced back down at the papers.

I didn't really know any vampires that were after me so I don't think I have anything to worry about. For now.

After he allowed me to leave, I left. I went in my room and started thinking whether or not should I be turned into a werewolf.


I was listing the pro's and con's in being a werewolf. Shifting into a werewolf during the full moon was one of the most painful things ever, and the urge to kill during the full moon... who knows what things I would do? Then again if I was a werewolf, I could defend myself when the time comes... so I decided I would become a werewolf. 

I walked over to Caine's room, opened the door to his room to find him staring at me.

"I knew you'd come sooner or later," he said with a smile. "What's your decision?"

"I want to turn into a werewolf."

He looked shocked at what I said but he nodded. "Alright, when?"

"As soon as possible, I want to know ho to defend myself from those crazy blood suckers," I said with a smile on my face. He smiled at me, not one of those crazy insane smiles people give, no. It was a genuine sweet smile. 

"Are you sure? Wolves go through a very painful process each full moon. Only my brothers and I can control the transition."

My eyes widened at what he said. He and his brothers can control the transition?! "Yeah, I already know about that, but you and your brothers can control the transition?" I said softly.

He nodded. "Don't worry about wolves killing each other though, we lock ourselves all wolves up, except me and my brothers, every full moon because on that same day, the vampires have more thirst for blood."

"So if you let them go, they kill each other?" I squeaked in realization.

He nodded and looked at me. "Are you sure you really want to?" He asked.

"Yes, I really want to," I said softly. What will become of me after this transformation?

"Tomorrow, we will do it tomorrow," he answered. I nodded and left the room.

What will happen to me after this? I just want to be able to protect myself.

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