Chapter 19

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I felt my breath quicken at each word I read. Someone was threatening Caine, using me. Obviously, being his mate, I would be one of his strongest weaknesses that his enemies could use against him since, basically, I was his 'other half'.

After reading the threat letter, I put it on Caine's outstretched palm. As soon as the paper made contact with his skin, he clenched his hand, causing the paper to crumple up again.

"There are more traitors in the pack and  in your coven," Caine said as he threw the crumpled  piece of paper towards the desk. "How else would he be able to put this letter in your grounds if you doubled up the security!? How can we trust anyone now?!"

Daniel seemed to be at loss for words, he trusted his coven but he knew what Caine was saying was true. He put his hands on the sides of his head. "But who could possibly be the ones to betray us? Betray the coven? Betray me? Betrayal is straight execution, that's the rule of our coven, who would even risk their own lives for those people who they barely know?!"

"Unless he offered protection or is threatening him," Caine answered. Daniel started pacing around the room. That was the last thing I saw until I fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning, smelling the delicious scent of pancakes. I looked around me, I wasn't in the same room as before, I was in a much more spacious room, and I seemed to be at a higher part of the building. I saw huge black wings attached onto a man fly by, near the window. I almost screamed but caught myself in time. If he was here to kidnap me, I should not scream or else he'd find me easily.

I sat up and saw a note on my bedside table. I picked it up and read the note.

The note read:

Good morning, sunshine! Since the incident happened the night we saved you, we realized it is no longer safe for any of us to go anywhere without security. I've doubled up the security around the building, and put vampires stationing around your room. As for your window, there are vampires flying around to patrol around your window, just in case. 


I smiled, even though he hadn't known me for long, he already cared for me, and I was vey grateful for that. I looked around the room. It was just the same room I had with Trix before, now that I think about it, I really missed her. What had happened to her and my best friends? Were they alright? I sighed as I went into the bathroom built in the room.

I took a shower, changed into decent clothes and went downstairs. I cringed at the creaking sound of the stairs. I smelt the delicious scent of pancakes grow nearer as I approached the kitchen. I saw a few women dressed in an old fashioned maid outfit work inside. I approached the plate of pancakes but a lady that seemed to be in her 50's stopped me.

"Those are for someone else, I could make you some if you'd like though," she said with a smile. "Oh and the name's Eliza. Short for Elizabeth."

I smiled at her hospitality, "My name's Sylvia, and sure I'd like some if you don't mind."

She nodded and started making pancakes on the counter. Just like how my mom used to...


"Mommy! Do I smell.. PANCAKES?!" Little Sylvia squealed. She ran over to her mom, making her mother fall face first towards the pancake syrup.

"Be patient, Sylvia, or no pancakes for you!" My mother said, patting my head. "And, uhh, we're short on pancake syrup now that more than half of it spilled."

"PANCAKE!!!" My little brother screamed from upstairs. He ran down the stairs, holding his teddy bear on one hand while waving the other.

We used to love pancakes at home, since it was unusual for us to get a decent meal during breakfast, our parents usually save the rest of our food for lunch and dinner. We, humans, don't have much, because we were hiding from the wolves to live in freedom.

My little brother and I helped my mother make the pancakes, laughing and talking all the while.

End of Flashback

A tear fell down my cheek. I missed those times with my family, though we were hiding from the werewolves, we still had some of our fun and happy moments. But now I don't even know if they were alive.

"Are you okay?" I heard Elizabeth ask beside me, holding out a plate of pancakes.

"Yeah, it's nothing," I answered, my voice cracked and that proved that I wasn't  okay. I got the fork and started eating, I noticed that most of the other girls have left the kitchen and were taking their breaks.

I looked at Elizabeth, "Aren't you going to take your break as well?" I asked.

She shook her head, "At least one of us are supposed to keep someone company if there's someone in the kitchen, I'm here to assist you."

"You can eat with me, I can't finish six pancakes on my own anyway," I said as I sat down and patted the seat next to me.

"I can't eat with you, even if I wanted to, I'm just a slave here, it's disrespectful."

"I'm not one of those bossy leaders, c'mon," I urged.

"Did you just call me bossy?!" I heard Daniel say at the doorway. He had a childish pout on his lips. He crossed his arms around his chest and pretended to be offended.

Elizabeth immediately apologized to him while bowing, but I just rolled my eyes.

Daniel sat beside me and started eating the pancakes on his plate. He finished all eight of them. I didn't notice vampires had such a big appetite. I started eating too, but was too full to eat any more than two pancakes.

"Why are you two eating without me?" I heard Caine's voice on the doorway.

Was that a trace of jealousy I hear?

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