Chapter 16

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I was starved, beaten and poisoned during my two days captured in a basement. I don't know what will happen to me if this goes on. At least she gave her three meals a day, but she was still starved because they gave her very little amount of food whenever I was a 'bad girl' as the vampire liked to call it.

The door opened and the same vampire from her first day gave her a tray filled with food. I looked at him suspiciously at the sudden amount of food given. He just shrugged innocently and left the room without another word.

I sniffed the food and my wolf immediately said "Wolfsbane alert."

I sighed, no food for me I guess. I pushed the tray away from me and sat in the middle of the 'prison'. They had been weakening me and my wolf by silver and wolfsbane. And also by less food, or poisoned ones, which forced me not to eat.

The door creaked open, with some of the guards beside the vampire now. When he looked in my direction, he looked quite surprised at how I was still conscious, then his eyes flickered towards the tray which was still full. He sighed and shook his head. "I guess I underestimated your ability to sniff the wolfsbane out, I should have..." his voice trailed away, remembering something and he quickly shut his mouth before he spilled more information.

They have held me captive mostly because I was the one to be able to lure Caine into this 'trap' of theirs. And that was when I started to hope that Caine wouldn't come to my rescue. I didn't want him in trouble just because I was. Even though I hadn't been with him for long, I cared for him.

The vampire looked at me then stared deep into my eyes. I tried to look away from his eyes, but I couldn't. Suddenly, I felt myself fall for his tricks, compulsion. He smiled at me devilishly. 

"Who were the ones helping the wolves escape?"

I tried my hardest to restrain what he was asking me to do. I fought against it, tried my hardest to. "Sweetheart, it wouldn't exactly end too well for you if you keep trying to fight it," his deep velvety voice growled right at my ear. 

I felt myself feel dizzier, and I started to lose consciousness but I was still sitting up, because of the vampire's outstretched arm, supporting me to keep my balance. Then I started rambling on without knowing or having control over what I was saying.


I was on a soft layer of material when I finally woke up and regained my consciousness and control of myself. I saw that I was no longer in the basement but in a small room with a soft, comfy bed in the middle of everything. A light yellow rug right below the bed. A desk with a chair pushed into the hollow space in the desk. Pale light lit the room, a light yellow curtain blocked the window from view, but it was thin enough to let sunlight pass through.

I sat up and walked over to the window. I opened the curtain and stared at the beautiful sky. This is my chance to escape. I saw no locks on the window to properly open it, so I grabbed the chair from it's place and crashed it to the window. Some of the glass shards pricked my skin, but that was my least concern right now, I heard faint thudding footsteps, which meant the vampires had already heard the crash.

I looked at the scenery down below. I would either land on a lake, bushes, grass, or mud. I just had to hope for a safe landing. Or I could try transforming to my wolf and land on my four paws, but it would cramp my bones once I turn back to my human form. I heard the footsteps grow louder by the second, I had to move quick. I jumped into the hole of the window and fell right into the lake, cold water rushed into my skin, leaving goosebumps. I tried to get up but realized that I couldn't. Something was holding onto my ankle. Huge, black tentacles wrapped itself around my waist, I tried to break free from it's hold, but it was too strong.

The beast took me down through the water, oxygen quickly running out of my lungs. If I don't move quick, I'll be doomed. With one last kick, I managed to break free from it's hold, but once I reached the surface of the water, I was met with vampires with angry eyes. One of them grabbed my arm and pulled me to the grass.

"Don't try to escape next time or we will give you a harsh punishment," one of them said, a low growl coming from the back of his throat. 

One of the vampires grabbed me by my shoulders and was escorting me back to the building. This was my only chance to escape. I kicked him in the shin and ran away. I heard the vampires follow, running as fast as they could.

I rushed past the trees, going through zigzags to try and lure the vampires away from me. I have not dared to look back, but now I did. They were surprisingly fast at speed and was surprisingly close to me. There was no way they could lose track of me if I wouldn't be faster. So, with my last resort of strength, I ran even faster, hoping with all my might that the vampires would lose track of me. 

I looked around and saw that the vampires were now gone, but I heard faint footsteps growing louder by every second, I had to leave, but just as I was about to start running again, my left foot started hurting, probably from the fall and the escape. 

I heard the bushes make a soft ruffling sound, I tried to run but fell down to the ground. A shadowed figure went up to me. I closed my eyes, knowing I was doomed.

Mate of the Alphaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن