Chapter 24

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I pointed my gun at Elijah but he didn't seem to care. He strode confidently towards the soldiers, easily blocking their attacks.

When Oscar and I made eye contact, I made a face that said, 'I told you so.' Elijah made an 'ok' signal to his back, and even more vampires came spilling into the basement, grabbing the innocent, helpless vampires. I shot as many vampires as I could, some of them dodged, some got stunned and some got injured. But none seemed to be dying, not even close.

The soldiers that were supposed to be protecting us were already slacking because they weren't prepared. It was their fault to ignore my warning. A vampire approached me from my back, but before I could shoot her with my gun, she managed to clip my hands on my back, letting the gun fall to the ground and allowing her to keep me hostage. 

I wriggled against her grasp, but she was still stronger than I was. She tied me on a chair with a rope, then left me to discuss things with Elijah.

Wrong move, buddy.

My wolf helped me unleash my claws, and I used it to cut the ropes off of me. They didn't seem to notice that I was free, so I sneaked out of the basement. I looked up the stairs before going up. I saw 3 guards roaming around the exit. I couldn't take too long to escape, they'd notice I was gone and would look for me. But could I get through 3 guards, on my own?

If I couldn't defeat the female vampire that had taken me down easily, how could I take three male vampires down? I looked around me, finding for something, anything, to use against them.

I grabbed a random gun which was discarded at the bottom steps. I saw it was still loaded with some ammo. I only had five shots. I aimed the gun at the most muscular guy if ever I needed to choose between who I have to injure or kill first, it would be him.

I shot, but he moved away in time as if he had eyes at the back of his head. He looked around and pointed me out to the other two. I shot him again, this time, managing to injure his leg, which I had been aiming for so that he couldn't attack me. I did the same for the rest, aiming towards the hip and the other the thigh.

I ran past them as I heard raised voices coming from the basement. I passed through a couple of vampires, but I just dodged their attacks and ran away, making them lose track of me.

I heard voices from the main living room of the building. I weighed the chances of it being Daniel and his vampires or Elijah and his vampires. I wasn't really sure, but I opened the door anyway.

What lay inside took me by surprise. Both Daniel, Caine, and a few other vampires were all tied with ropes to a chair and a unique silver binding on each of their wrists, draining their energy.

Elijah was on a couch, talking casually to his friends as if this was just normal. I tried sneaking my way to the others but one of his friends pointed me out to him. I froze when his gaze turned to me. When he sat straighter, I watched his every move, I knew he would pounce on me any moment now. To my surprise, his shoulders relaxed again and he slumped onto the couch.

"Eh, you finally showed up. I knew you would try to save your matie, and probably the bloodsucker too," Elijah said, his friends snickered.

He smiled that sickening smile of his while I gulped when chains wrapped itself's around my body. I struggled against the chains' grip, but each time I moved, the tighter it gets. I stopped struggling once I realized if I would go on, the chains would choke me to death. So instead of struggling against the chains' grip, I took my time to glare daggers at the vampires sitting on the couch. 

Elijah just picked up a teacup and sipped tea, then placed it back on the plate. "Don't waste your time staring at us, I mean, I know I'm gorgeous but that stare is kinda creepy."

How I wanted to kick that man square in the face-

My thoughts were interrupted when Elijah started coughing and wrapping his arms around his stomach. The female vampire who sat beside him roared, "WHO POISONED HIS DRINK?!"

I watched as the female vampire, who turned out to be his mate, went out of the room and came back a few minutes after with a glass cup filled with light green liquid. "Here, drink this. It'll cure you but it will leave some lingering effects," the female vampire said. 

I never knew that someone as cruel as Elijah could have someone to care about him. Elijah's thumb grazed over the girl's cheek and he wiped a tear that escaped her eye. His other hand got the glass cup and he drank it in one gulp. "I- I don't know why a lot of our allies try to poison you," the female vampire sobbed.

Now I feel bad for them, it was obvious they cared a lot for each other.

My eyes drifted off to stare at Caine, involuntarily. My cheeks flushed when I found him staring at me too. I hastily looked away from him. I looked back at the couple, Elijah had drops of blood dripping out of his mouth. "It's because I have... many.. enemies," he said, pausing each word to gasp for air. 

The female vampire looked around the room, to find something to heal her beloved. The rest of their friends had already left the room, they were obviously fake friends, they didn't care about Elijah nor did they care for the female vampire, they only cared about the status they have in their coven.

The girl's eyes landed on Caine, and she charged on him, shaking his shoulders as she said, "Wolves know more about healing, right? Please heal him, I'll do anything!" She said desperately. 

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