Chapter 21

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Purebloods are now very rare as most of the werewolves alive are either half-bloods or hybrids. When a human is turned by a pure-blooded wolf, the human turned into a werewolf is still a half-blood but they will still inherit a little bit of the purebloods' abilities.

Since the purebloods are very rare and are close to extinction, purebloods try to keep their family line pure. Because of this, married couples arrange their children's marriage to keep the family's blood pure. The effect of these arranged marriages was that the couple usually doesn't love each other, they just treat each other as strangers, but when in front of their parents, they pretend to have affection for each other. Because of these arranged marriages, they were forced to leave their mates and reject them if they weren't purebloods. What the parents didn't notice was that some of their children committed suicide because of the loss of their mates, because it was too depressing. Some arranged couples are lucky enough to develop feelings for each other, or when the other person is their mate.

Pureblooded children's childhood isn't as lively as a normal wolf's. Purebloods are constantly being hunted down by hunters, vampires, witches, and other supernatural and mythical creatures. A pureblooded child's childhood is filled with training on how to use their abilities and how to use self-defense in case they get kidnapped.

Witches are usually the ones who hunt purebloods down. They start with the children or the newborns because they are the easiest to catch. They grow the newborns and the children until their powers fully develop, they feed, train and take care of them properly until their powers reach their peak. When their powers have fully developed, the witches suck the power out of them, leaving them powerless. Sometimes, they leave them to the werewolves, or they make them slaves to serve themselves. 

Vampires hunt down the purebloods to make them as their warriors or soldiers. Vampires despise wolves a lot, but due to the contract the Lord of Vampires has signed, they could not just start a war just like that. But what the wolves didn't notice was that there were many flaws in the contract they had signed. The purebloods that were captured by the vampires are usually kids (5-12 years old) and take good care of them until they turn into teenagers, after that, it's all non-stop training every day, only Sunday as their rest day. They make these purebloods they have captured into believing that the other wolves are evil and want them dead, they tell all the lies they could think of, to make these wolves hate their own kind.

These pureblooded wolves are so pitiful, I thought. When I was about to flip the page, a sound from right outside my door alarmed me. I was debating whether or not to check outside or stay inside when the door burst open, revealing a very hungry vampire.

His black hair was messy, his eyes were bright red in color, it was glowing. He smirked when he found me. "No one told me there was a half-blood in here, God, I'm so hungry," he said as he licked his lips. 

"Can't you just drink from your blood bag or something?" I asked as gently as possible.

"Yeah but you look like a walking blood bag in my eyes." And in a blink of an eye, he was in front of me. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. My neck was bare, giving him more access to it. I screamed as he sunk his fangs into my neck. I suddenly felt dizzy, my vision blurring, my body went limp, and fell to the ground. Soon, I passed out.


When I woke up, I was still on the ground. I touched the part of my neck that he had bitten on, it stung when I touched it. When I withdrew my hand, dry blood filled my finger that I used to touch my neck.

I found a random first aid kit on a table nearby. I grabbed it and unzipped the zipper, I started cleaning my wound, after I did, I went over to one of the mirrors that surrounded the grand library. I was surprised to see that there were no bite marks on my neck. There wasn't any mark or wound on it, it was as if he hadn't even bitten me. 

Then it clicked in my mind. 

I was a werewolf now, half-werewolf at least, and one of the advantages was being able to heal quicker than normal humans do. I guess I don't actually need the first aid kit.

I packed the first aid kit back in place, zipped it, and placed it back to where it was. I looked at the large window the library had, I didn't notice that it was already late afternoon. I opened the door and went straight to the kitchen, I am so hungry.

When the maids working there saw me, their eyes widened. "Master has been looking everywhere for you!" One of them exclaimed.

Master? As in Daniel? Usually, Caine was the one to go look for me... 

"Uhh I was in the library and-" I was interrupted when someone hugged me from the back. 

"I thought you got kidnapped again!" Daniel laughed. "I don't know where Caine is, I think he was looking for you too, I'll go find him so that-" His eyes suddenly widened. "Why do you smell like- dry blood?" he asked.

"I was uhh- attacked by a random vampire?"

"Who?" His voice seemed calm, but his eyes started flashing from red, black, and green. His fists started clenching and unclenching. 

"I don't know-"

"You don't know who attacked you?!" He asked. He slapped his hand on his head. "Then how am I supposed to know who did it out of all the vampires in this place?"

"It was me," a voice said from behind him.

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