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"Now, I told you yesterday

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"Now, I told you yesterday. Today's the last day we help you out!! If you want to eat, get off your assess and make it yourself curry!!!"

"Yes ma'am..."

The group began to work on preparing their dinners. Much to their surprise they enjoyed it more than they thought they would. Everyone pitched in to help in many different ways, their additions of quirks helped aid them in keeping everything running smoothly. It may not have been the greatest quality, but food was food.

"Thanks for the food!" The class announced in synch before they dove in.

"Quirks...what a waste of time..." A quiet voice said as it disappeared into the forest. Distaste was evident in their voice. 

Hovering in the air, Zihao watched as the student followed after Kota with a plate of food in hand. 'Disaster town here we come.' He thought to himself as he tapped twice on his hearing aids. Signaling to Hu to watch over the cameras as he followed behind them. Since Hu's quirk played a big role in surveillance, he was tasked with staying inside the main cabin and keeping a routine check of all the cameras in the area. Besides if there was a major attack, he would just be a liability due to his lack of fighting skills. He was ashamed to admit it but he had little experience when it came to physical fights, he was mainly a look out and occasional get-away driver.

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