Prose 31: Love Looks Good On You

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No one is born with perfection. From our notion about beauty, our downside reflection through behavior, our relationship with others, and to our quartered sentiment for the daydreams that we strive to get real — these were the inverted truths of reality with no escape from breaking our whole recognition into pieces when everyone else takes credit for it. We spare attention to those who can hold our price for paying their acceptance in exhange of depriving what we most likely deserve to keep for ourselves. We fall short in living our own life because we live based on how others wanted our life to be lived.

Self-love is a lifelong process, an unending cycle that does not happen overnight. We are all scarred with flaws, tainted spots, and contaminated habits but we are never less worthy of admiration. We are never meant to be abandoned just for the reason that we are still an art in progress. We are never bound to leave ourselves behind just because the weight of hatred felt heavier on our shoulders. We are never fated to stop the ride in the middle just because the route seems long and the race appears slower than we can ever imagine.

To express, not to impress— to make a living and not just to live, to become better by accepting that we are not at our best — we can only become a living proof our self-love when we discard validation without closing the doors for favor, growth and appreciation. We are worthy to be heard, respected, understood, and be given with full-brewed cup of value.

We, in a maximum level of extent, deserves to be loved. We are someone beyond of who we are.

Believe them when they smile and say, "Hey, love looks good on you."

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