Prose 18: Idiosyncrasy

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In the premise of moonlit appreciation, idiosyncrasy never cease in traveling forth from one place of enticement to another. It is a prominent element to consider that eccentricity always has its proposition in our daily living cycle.

In line with this, the phenomenon and plethora of love can never be alleviated from the said cycle due to the fact that an emotionally-built ubiquity is essentially incorrigible inside our own selves. As fertile as how the love can be defined, accepting and progressing the presence of consistency could only happen whenever one person is steadfastly willing to do so.

A certain case of profanity occurs to person who does not prefer the depths of loving someone. For instance, when one neglects the importance of longevity, fidelity and compassion, it would be truly difficult enough for her or him to ripe what has been hopefully sown.

To fall short in the given exemplifications— loving someone does not guarantee a person to feel back the love as well, not unless the known depths of it will be finally unleashed from the unknown.

Thus, whenever it may happen in the future, every human in this world including you, can finally realized that, everyone can make you feel that you are loved, but not everyone can make you feel that you are alive.

No one is born to become a perfect prophet. However, our beloved Father has given every person a hopeful opportunity to outreach his wisdom and full-spirited enlightenment. The favor of his words is now in our palms, moreover, all of us, as his eternal disciples, have mandatory and holy responsibilities to offer in this earthly world.

It is our glorious duty to conquer the planet with mercy, grace and salvation. Despite all the ugly diatribes thrown against each one of us, we shall lift up our hearts and bestow love even to those people who least deserve it.

The true acquiescence of God can only be affirmed when we forever cherish the everlasting love that we lavish and garner from every humankind.

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