Prose 43: Life is Too Short: Book Review

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Book: Life is Too Short by Abby Jimenez
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Comedy, Light Drama, Fiction
Year Published: 2021

The rudimentary emblem that people usually hear through publicly-oriented argumentative speeches and read between the conspicuous lines from famous literary books can no longer conceal the ulterior purpose that evokes each visionary dream into real outcomes. Our blue skies paint hope for the future and faith above translucent clouds adorned by summer pigeons flying over the edge of glorious rainbows despite succulent drizzles from afar. The rain is the soul of the earth, pouring noticeable reminders that our sun can never stay too long once the time for dispersing light to the world is over. There is no such certain rule about the predictability of manipulating constant change because every existence in our race has an inevitable end. Eitherway or the otherwise, most of the people need to arrive at their destination where they can finally stop and consider as their home. Everyone has an impending endgame to life and neither all nor others can let it cease to happen regardless of the remaining time given for survival against death.

I've once read under the scribbled notes of our scriptural missives that fear is not necessarily the absence of faith. It is an intrinsic kind of faith in which people believe that something might go wrong and all precedent sequences of events are postulated to become haywire. A vicious fright that begins with the fear of tearing the only rope we tightly hold without letting it go beyond our reach. An excruciating nightmare that we long to forget by waking up due to alarm and cautiously sleeping through our pretense nocturnal slumber. An inescapable labyrinth where we ignorantly trust the devil to sell our desperate souls with negotiable terms in exchange of pointing the exit from hell right before understanding that each death pays the price for our departure. A forlorn wish that the wheel of fortune may never spin towards the uncontrollable odds amidst probability for irrevocable loss. A prayer that contains whispers of melancholy and curses louder than each folklore worship unheard by the silent crucifix on the ancient wall of ruins. We can never see true faith through the sense of sight unless we manifest it by unlearning that fear alone fears nothing. Everything is possible with the faith of not being afraid for what lies beneath our life. Our faith has the power in leading life into an immaculate living as long as we confide that we deserve to be alive without any fright.

My staunch inspiration, Life Is Too Short written by Abby Jimenez, has revealed deep-rooted insights and pocketful revelations that revolves around life with whirlwind chain of unprecedented events. She has prudently encapsulated the worldview of other people who are far more different from those we typically meet across the pedestrian lane. Others whom we rarely intersect at the center because our lives seem entirely apart when we draw lines for the purpose of collision. The book captures the romantic enigma of two protagonists who fought for their fate beneath the constellation of radiant stars and aligned their meteors no matter how dark the universe declared explosion of galactic challenges for the both of them.

Vanessa Price and Adrian Copeland is an exquisite epitome of green flags in healthy romantic relationship. Vanessa is a popularly known travel vlogger who has been diagnosed with ALS or the amyotrophic laterial sclerosis ever since she reached her midtwenties. The hereditary and sporadic ALS is a progressive degenerative disease that destructs the nerve cells that control voluntary muscle movement. This illness has no medical test and holds huge chances of detrimental progression over time given the truth that it wields no possible cure for patients. Transcended by the acceptance of her early demise, Adrian suffered through roundabout sphere of groundbreaking emotions as it was too late for him to realize that his beloved girlfriend, non-biological mother of his foster child, Vanessa, endures the fatally threatening symptoms of ALS with life expectancy of one to three years. The lamp of his eternal home, the roof of his untouchable shelter and the ocean of his permanent comfort has left him totally broken beyond repair the moment Vanessa refused to grant his grievous and knee-bending request to seek multiple medications at hospitals. On her intermediate narrative about ALS, she can no longer afford to lose countless hours of memories and adventures just as how her ancestors lost them back when they experienced it. Vanessa cataclysmically values her limited time more than anything else in the world and she truly yearned that Adrian would look at the same lens as her. The tunnel of sacrifices, tears, anguish, pain, despair, regrets, hope, mercy and recurring passion that the couple has compelled made them deeply devoted each other into an unreachable level where relationship can no longer do the justice and forever is never enough to let them be the perfect photograph of love. A pure unforgettable romance that never ends when everything else has officially ended. Vanessa and Adrian handcuff the hearts of readers who believe that death after all, is never the cause of love to be disremembered. Death is the opposite reminder that life persists and it never let the time stop to be forgotten by dying alive in remembering love. The oath of death is the beginning of fulfilling the promise of love until the moment we die and live again.

Vanessa is an empowered, exceptionally idea and top tier woman whose compassion, enthusiasm, benevolence, charm and ever-resplendent spirit reflects almost all her spectacular ventures with Adrian. She is an empyreal, elegant and insatiably magnificent woman worthy of admiration and love from those who believe in her capability to survive bricks of hurdles and cross rivers of bridging trials. The paradigm of her resiliency and the hegemonic attribute to surmount everything has made Vanessa one of the most amazing fictional characters that I sincerely loved and will continue to love even more than ever. Adrian Copeland and Vanessa Price is the best league of spontaneous couple that I can compete and exemplify outside of the fictional romantic world. The epilogue of Life Is Too Short is the denouement that I can craft with songs of gratitude and proses through Spotify playlist. To the moon and back, the story is life-changing, mindblowing and wonderfully written to the core of our Earth.

"To live your whole life with the thought of death means living it twice once it finally arrives. Never let yourself multiply the same process of dying and just live instead. Suffering is the choice of fear and rising above it is the best decision we can make for our life to last longer than everlasting."

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