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"I'll be alright. Just let me sit quietly for a moment" He told Gandalf, clutching the cup Veryan handed to him in his hands.

"You've been sitting quietly for far too long" The Wizard in grey spoke back, holding his pipe in his hand.

Bilbo's mouth dropped as he looked at Gandalf in disbelief, the other continuing to talk "Tell me, when did doilies and your mother's dishes become so important to you? I remember a young Hobbit who was always running off in search of Elves in the woods. Who would stay out late, come home after dark, trailing mud and twigs and fireflies. A young Hobbit who would have liked nothing better, than to find out what was beyond the borders of the Shire. The world is not your books and maps. It's out there" he gestured twords the window as he finished. 

Bilbo shook his head "I can't just go running off into the blue. I am a Baggins of Bag-End"

Gandalf leaned forward and responded matter of factly "You are also a Took" 

Bilbo sighed at the obvious fact and listened to Gandalf talk "Did you know that your great-great-great-great-uncle Bullroarer Took was so large, he could ride a real horse?"

"Yes" Bilbo nodded, looking so done with Gandalf.

"Yes, well, he could. In the Battle of Green Fields, he charged the Goblin ranks. He swung his club so hard, it knocked the Goblin king's head clean off, and it sailed 100 yards through the air and went down a rabbit hole. And thus, the battle was won. And the game of golf invented at the same time"

Bilbo lightly smiled "I do believe you made that up" he said, his tone betraying his smile.

Gandalf took a seat in front of Bilbo "Well, all good stories deserve embellishment. You'll have a tale or two to tell of your own when you come back."

They sat like that in silence for a second, before Bilbo turned to look up at Gandalf "Can you promise that I will come back?" 

"No" the other replied rather quickly and sure of himself. "And if you do...you will not be the same"

Bilbo slowly nodded, having his lip's in a thigh frown before he looked at Gandalf "That's what i thought. Sorry, Gandalf, I can't sign this" he pointed to the contract that sat on the table next to him. He got up from his chair and huffed "You've got the wrong Hobbit" and with that the Hobbit was gone, having walked off further into his house.


"It appears we have lost our burglar" Balin told Thorin as the two watched Bilbo walking away.

"Probably for the best" Balin added as Thorin didn't let his eye's wonder away from the Hobbit. It was only when Bilbo was gone out of sight did he turn to Balin "The odds were always against us. After all, what are we? Merchants, miners, tinkers, toy-makers. Heh, heh. Hardly the stuff of legend"

"There are a few warriors amongst us" Thorin replied, smiling at Balin.

"Old warriors" the old Dwarf fixed the other's words. 

Thorin, still slightly smiling, replied "I would take each and everyone of these Dwarves over an army from the Iron Hills. For when i called upon them, they answered. Loyalty, honor, a willing heart. I can ask no more than that"

Balin stood up and shook his head "You don't have to do this. You have a choice. You've done honorably by our people. You have built a new life for us in the Blue Mountains. A life of peace and plenty. A life that is worth more than all the gold in Erebor."

"From my grandfather to my father, this has come to me" Thorin spoke as he lifted up the key that was given to him by Gandalf moments ago "They dreamt of the day when the Dwarves of Erebor would reclaim their homeland. This is no choice, Balin. Not for me."

The Wizard and The PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now