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He pointed the weapon at Ori, who was only pouring water out of his shoes. Dwalin quickly let go of the male, Veryan stumbling before being held up by Bifur. Dwalin stood in front of the youngest, holding up a branch in front of him when the man shot, splitting the branch in half. He turned to the other's and took aim when Kili was about to throw a rock his way, it being hit out of his hand as the man shot.

"Do it again, and your dead" the man spoke, weary of the group as he pointed the bow at them, never letting it dip bellow his elbows.

Balin raised up his hands, slowly walking forward "Excuse me, but you're from Lake Town if im not mistaken"

The man pointed at the Dwarf, making Balin slightly stop in his step "That barge over there, it wouldn't be available for hire by any chance?"

The bow was seen slowly lowered as the man stared at Balin. He quickly darted his eye's to the side, where a hiss could be heard. 

Veryan doubled over, clutching his side, which started to bleed again. Without any proper seal up, he was set to bleed out. The man sighed and walked up to Veryan, Bifur clutching the other's side tighter.

"You bring the barrels you have come with, and then we talk" he spoke directly to Balin as he neared the Human. Without much effort he hoisted the boy up and lifted him up into his arms, turning around to walk to his barge.

Kili and Fili quickly jumped up and followed the man, even if Kili's leg hurt, he had his brother to help him out. Soon enough all of the Dwarves and Hobbit followed the man, barrels in hand as he carried the almost unconscious boy in his hand. He stopped near his barge and gently set the Heterochromia male down as the Dwarves rolled the barrels near the boat, standing them up.

"What makes you think I would help you?" the man questioned as he set his bow down onto the boat.

"Those boots have seen better days" Balin retorted, ignoring the human's question. "As has that coat"

The man looked up at Balin skeptically as he carried one of the barrels into his boat. "No doubt you have some hungry mouths to feed. How many bairns?"

At this, the man lightly smiled "A boy and two girls"

"And your wife, I imagine she's a beauty?" Balin pressed forward, smiling as well.

The man stopped in place, in front of the barrel he just placed into his boat "Aye. She was"

Balin's smile quickly dropped as he shook his head "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." "Oh, come on, come on. Enough of the niceties" Dwalin murmured, looking down at Thorin with no patience left in his eyes.

The man furrowed his brows "What's your hurry?"

Veryan inhaled a sharp breath as he pushed himself to sit, looking over at Kili, who was leaning onto a rock, Fili supporting him. 

"Kili, you alright?" the boy called, seeing as the Dwarf turned to him with worry present in his eye's.

He shook his head as he gestured to the other "I will be fine. You seem worse off then I Veryan"

The male chuckled, which soon turned into a coughing fit as his side stung. Blood dripping from the side of his mouth as he finally stopped, Bilbo rushing to his side, checking him over.

The conversation between the man and Thorin stopped as the two looked at the bleeding man. The man squinted his eyes as he patted one of the barrels "I know where these barrels came from. I don't know what business you had with the Elves, but I don't think it ended well"

He glanced at all of them, his eyes lingering on the poor soul on the ground, clutching his side "No one enters Lake-Town but by leave of the Master. All his wealth comes from trade with the Woodland Realm. He would see you in irons before risking the wrath of King Thranduil" he undid the rope keeping the ship in place, and tossed it to Balin.

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