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The King's eye's finally fell upon Thorin again, who was glaring more than usual at him "I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head, nothing attached"

The group of Goblins cackled as Thorin's face fell pale "Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours. A pale Orc, astride a white Warg" the King spoke, knowing of the Dwarves distaste for the other.

If looks could kill, The King of Goblins would probably be long dead by now. "Azog the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago"

The King leaned closer to Thorin "So you thing his defiling days are done, do you?" he chuckled at the Dwarf, before turning to a small Goblin on what seemed to be a pulling system "Send word to the pale Orc. Tell him i have found his prize"

The Orc nodded and pulled a lever, sending him down into the depth's of the cave, off to deliver the message. 

Not long after they were being pushed by the Goblins once again as the King sung. It was when one of the Goblins found Thorin's sword and unsheathed it, did everything fall quit. Every Goblin jumped back as The King hurried onto his thrown, petrified "I know that sword! it is the Goblin-cleaver!"

At those words The King shouted out orders to beat them, kill them. Every Goblin jumped onto them. Veryan managed to kick some off of him, but with his hand's tied he could do little to nothing when they started to swarm. It was difficult to move as he felt a blade against his neck.

It quickly disappeared as a bright light shot out, sending some of the Goblins flying, and the Goblin King to the ground. Veryan quickly took a look around, and saw one of the Goblin blades. He crawled tword's it, and cut his restrains, jumping up just as a figure appeared from the bright light.

The light from the torches once again appeared as the figure stepped into light. The Heterochromia male smirked and nodded twords Gandalf.

"Take up arms. Fight. Fight!" The Wizard roared out an order to them. Veryan quickly slid to his violin and blade, attaching the case strongly onto his back, before grabbing his two-sided blade. The blade's shot out from the hilt as his first swarm of Goblins came. 

He sliced through every enemy that came his way, moving twords the Dwarves to keep some of them safe. At one point he shot out a blast, sending Goblins tumbling down just as the Goblin King himself tumbled down further into the cave system. The male overheard Gandalf shouting for them to follow him, and with steady feet he made sure he was at the very back, keeping track of the running Dwarves whilst also fighting every Goblin that got close enough. 

The Dwarves had to even use a post at one point, as Veryan jumped up on a Goblin, firing his blast at the surrounding Goblins as he jumped from head to head. He looked over to his right, and saw a tower filled with the creatures. He jumped on Dwalin's shoulder's, making the Dwarf confused, but he said nothing as he saw the boy letting out a huge blast twords the tower, collapsing it, making it go ablaze.

He nodded to himself in approval as Veryan jumped down and followed on foot, following the other's as he sliced through the many upcoming Goblins.

Along the way they made a bridge collapse, and had to use a ladder to  get across a gap. They fought around bridge's and cave sides, even sending a bolder down the path to dispose of the Goblins in their way.

Just as they were about to reach the other side of a bridge, the Goblin King popped up, making the bridge break into two.

He hefted himself on top of the bridge as the Goblins surrounded them "You thought you could escape me! What are you going to do now, Wizard?" He mocked Gandalf as he swung his skull mallet at the grey Wizard.

The Wizard and The PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now