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Bilbo, as quietly as he ever could, snuck his way after the Troll. He stepped over every leaf that looked crunchy, every stick that could break. With those fast, but weary steps he reached his way to the ponies, trying to untie the rope that kept the animals in. As he struggled with the ropes, one of the Trolls turned to look at the ponies, so Bilbo moved behind them, breathing steady so they didn't hear. Just when he knew he was not going to be seen, he went back to work, but found his struggling useless. That is until he spotted a long dagger on the side of the Trolls hip. He crouched down low, and crawled onto the ground. After shushing the ponies, and avoiding the Trolls hand's and sight, he finally made it to his destination. As he figured how to take the weapon off however, the Troll in front of him stood up to scratch, and Bilbo would not be lying if he said that that was the most disgusting thing in his life. The beast finally sat back down, and Bilbo stood up to get to work again, only, he was grabbed by the Troll, and sneezed all over, getting Troll snot all over himself. But snot really wasn't on his worry list right now, as the Troll saw what he just sneezed out, well, thought what he just sneezed out.

"Bert. Bert! Look what's come out of me hooter. It's got arms and legs and everything" it spoke as he looked at Bilbo in surprise.

"What is it?" Bert, the other Troll, asked as he looked at Bilbo with honest disgust.

The Troll holding Bilbo shook his head "I don't know, but i don't like the way it wriggles around"

Bilbo struggled even more at those words, and the Troll dropped him onto the ground, feeling revolted at the sight of Bilbo.

The Hobbit picked himself onto his feet and turned to the three Trolls, Bert holding a knife in his direction "What are you, then? An oversized squirrel?" 

"I'm a burglar...Uh, Hobbit" Bilbo spoke out, really not thinking about his words. He could of agreed with the Trolls for all he cared.

"A burglar Hobbit?" the Troll that dropped Bilbo spoke, hitting the nail right on the point with his guess.

"Can we cook him?" Bert asked a more important question, moving in closer to the Hobbit, who in turn moved back.

"We can try" the other Troll spoke, swinging for Bilbo, who dodged the slowly moving hand pretty easily. He turned to book it, when in front of him stopped the third Troll, wielding a shovel "He wouldn't make more than a mouthful. Not when he's skinned and boned" it said, advancing twords Bilbo.

Bilbo turned around, stumbling right in front of Bert's sword "Perhaps there's more burglar Hobbits around these parts. Might be enough for a pie" 

Bert swung for him, but Bilbo once again avoided his hit. The three struggled for a bit to grab onto Bilbo, when William, the Troll that apparently sneezed him out, grabbed onto his feat, dragging him up to his face "Are there any more of you little fellas hiding where you shouldn't?"

Bilbo shook his head and mustered out a simple no, not being able to think clearly whilst being upside. 

Tom, the last Troll, came up to him and pointed his finger at him "He's lying" "No I'm not!" "Hold his toes over the fire. Make him squeal!" the two bickered between themselves.

Finally Kili bursted out of the bushes and slashed the ankle of Tom, before slashing his leg, standing sword ready in front of the three "Drop him!" 

William glared at him "You what?"

Kili glared back and swung his sword in his hand "I said...drop him"

William grunted, and tossed Bilbo at Kili, who stumbled to the ground after catching the burglar. 

The Dwarves, alongside Veryan, came bolting out of the woods, blades swinging. 

Veryan slashed at Bert, detaching his double bladed sword into two by twisting the handle. He danced around the Troll, slicing into it's leg's as it tried to grab him, but every attempt proved useless as he just skillfully maneuvered around, slashing him again and again. 

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