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"Since when has my counsel counted for so little?" Gandalf spoke in anger to the Elven King.

Everyone were back in the tent, the rays of the Sun soon being turned into shadow's of the night. Veryan has also made his way back to the tent, wanting to know everything that was to happen.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?" The Wizard asked Thranduil again, who looked bored once again, sitting upon his wooden throne.

"Save your Dwarvish friends, and I admire your loyalty to them. But it does not dissuade me from my course" he stood up, his eyes fixated on Gandalf, who had his back to the Lord, smoking his pipe "You started this, Mithrandir. You will forgive me if I finish it" 

Veryan scoffed "What does a stuck up ass like him know anything about friendship? He has no compassion for anyone" Veryan hissed out harshly as he watched Thranduil talk to one of his guards.

Mirani stayed quite, not being able to find the words to counter argue with her brother. What he said was true. The Elven Lord hadn't shown any kind of compassion for anyone after his late wife's death. You could see the King break day by day the queen wasn't with him. And as much as it pained Mirani to watch the man she fell in love with fall apart and become as harsh as he is now even with his own son, she could do nothing to ease the man's pain. She was in no power to help the man's heartache. But maybe the gems his wife held dear would. That's why she agreed to follow him, until he was reunited with the precious gems, thinking it would be good for him. But because of her selfish desires to make the Lord happy, she didn't see what kind of war could come out of it. 

Mirani's and Veryan's eyes quickly darted to Gandalf's form, as the man quickly hurried out of the tent and to Bard "Bowman. Do you agree with this? Is gold so important to you? Would you buy it with the blood of Dwarves?"

"It wont come to that. This is a fight they cannot win" Bard explained, sure of himself.

The figures stood frozen when another voice spoke "That won't stop them"

Veryan quickly pushed Gandalf slightly to the side, and watched Bilbo's form standing in front of him. "Bilbo" Veryan greeted happily, the Hobbit smiling back at him.

"You thing the Dwarves will surrender? They won't. They will fight to the death to defend their own" he explained hurriedly.

"Bilbo Baggins" Gandalf exclaimed happily, Bilbo smiling back to him just as he did Veryan. Thranduil walked back into the tent, and sat down on his throne once again. "If I'm not mistaken, this is the Halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons with the help of the young Wizard" he explained, looking as if he could throw them down a rabbit hole and not feel bad about it.

Veryan smirked proudly as it took Bilbo a bit to answer "...Yes. Sorry...about that"

Mirani shook her head at her brother, her smile small but present, as Bard smiled at the two with amusement. Bilbo straightened up and spoke "I came to give you this"

He walked to the table in front of Thranduil, and placed a clothed thing on it, unraveling it to reveal a glowing jewel, not bigger than a hand, glowing with every shade of blue, pink and even purple.

Veryan's breathed hitched as his eyes landed on the stone, his smirk quickly disappearing from his face as the rest just stared at the precious stone. 

Thranduil stood up, amazed by the beauty in front of him "The Heart of the Mountain. The King's Jewel" "And worth a King's ransom. How is this yours to give?" Bard finished for Thranduil, asking the Hobbit.

"I took it as my 14th share of the treasure" Bilbo replied simply to the two. Veryan shook his head, but the amusement didn't leave unfazed. Everyone could clearly see him trying to cover up a smirk, that started to appear rather quickly. 

The Wizard and The PrinceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora