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There little sweet moment was cut off when a loud yelp of pain sounded. Veryan and Legolas turned twords the sound, seeing Tauriel get throw into the brick stairs by Azog.

"We have to help her" Legolas told the other as he moved for the stairs, but his hand was grabbed by Veryan's, making him stop and turn around.

"You stay here, I'll help her out. My magic will take me there faster than the two of us can travel" Veryan explained, pulling Legolas back up the stairs.

Concerned filled the princes eyes as he looked down at his lover "Will you be okay? Just minutes ago i was close to losing you. I don't want to experience that again"

Veryan glanced at Tauriel, seeing the woman get thrown into a brick wall, Bolg moving in on her. The Wizard frantically nodded, kissing Legolas cheek quickly before he jumped off of the tower, his magic shooting him up and twords Bolg. 

Legolas watched the other fly away. He sighed and pulled out his bow, firing at one of the overgrow bats flying over his head.

Veryan flew closer and closer to Tauriel and Bolg. The woman saw him, but it didn't make Bolg look. The Orc was too focused on killing his target.

Veryan clenched his fist, Bolg coming into his view. Tauriel quickly scurried to her feet, moving out of the way. That made Bolg finally turn around, just as a fist collided with his face, making him fly back into the stone wall Tauriel was flung into moments ago.

Veryan gracefully landed, quickly going for his weapon, focusing his whole energy on the barrier once again. Bolg pushed out of the wall, spitting out a tooth, before he looked up at the Wizard and Elf. He glared at the both of them, and with one swift move he swung in between them, making the two jump to the side to avoid the weapon. 

Veryan turned, swinging his sword, which was cought by Bolg and held in place. The Orc quickly moved forward, smashing his head against Veryan's, making the male's vision go blurry. Veryan yelped and fell to his knees, but before Bolg could do anything else, Tauriel jumped up onto his back, holding one of her dagger's against his neck.

She was quickly throw away, her body colliding with the stone floor as she rolled further, and then completely stopped. Veryan raised to his feet just as Bolg turned to him. The Heterochromia male raised up his weapon, prepared to strike, when Kili jumped down, landing on Bolg's back, holding his weapon so the other couldn't strike. 

Bolg grunted and leaned forward, throwing Kili over his back and onto the stone stairs. Veryan ran to attack, when he got hit square in the face with Bolg's arm, sending him to the ground on his back, knocking the air out of his lungs. Tauriel too came rushing to attack, but Bolg simply picked her up by the neck, and smashed his fist against her head, making the Elf see blurred shapes as she dropped to the ground.

Kili got to his feet, and attack Bolg once again, landing a couple of hits on the Orc, before Bolg twisted his arm and hit him square in the face, making Kili drop his sword. The Dwarf, disoriented, could do nothing as Bolg held him by his collar, twisting his weapon so a sharp stake was what was facing Kili. 

A wicked smiled crossed his face, as he raised up the weapon. Tauriel yelled and shouted for him to stop, having been too weak by then to do anything.

A shot of purple knocked the weapon out of Bolg's hand. Bolg dropped Kili in surprise, and the Dwarf was soon flung away and off of the mountain. Tauriel yelped as she saw Kili falling down, but instantly calmed down when she saw the Dwarf safely land on one of the ledges, breathing heavily, almost close to passing out.

Bolg angrily turned around, and saw Veryan leaning against one of the stone walls, painting as his hand was still outstretched. He growled, quickly picking up his weapon, starting to walk to the hurt male. Veryan pulled away from the wall, gripping his weapon as the Orc neared, when Tauriel jumped up on it, making Bolg lose his footing. 

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