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"-So you mean to say the King just let you stay here after that?" Veryan bewilderingly asked the other. Mirani was just about done telling him of how she became Thranduil's personal guard as long as part of the royal guard. Apparently she was seen wondering the Greenwood's long ago, and after slaying the little Orcs she came across came into the like's of Thranduil. First she was thrown into jail to rot for arguing with the king, but apparently, the king kept on coming to visit, and soon she was let out, only to be asked to join the guard. And so she did. It sounded like Mirani and Thranduil were quit close. It still surprised him how he never knew the Elf was from Mirkwood, but he never really talked to her about home as much as he would of liked anyways.

Mirani nodded and leaned back into her chair "He truly did. It surprises me to this day why i wasn't left to rot down in the jail sells"

Veryan gently smiled and looked at her glowing face "And have you never though about the fact that the King might carry a soft spot for you? Some feeling he hand't had in a long time"

Mirani rolled her eye's and looked at Veryan deadpanned "He had a wife Veryan. Besides, I may be of pure blood, but the only one's to remember my family's name is the King and family back home"

The Heterochromia male leaned forward, about to argue with the women in front of him, when Legolas came through the door, dressed in more casual clothing than what he had on whilst out scouting.

He slightly jumped as he saw the other Elf in the room. He bowed his head "Lady Mirani, I didn't know you were paying a visit"

The White Elf shook her head and got up, closely being followed by Veryan "Oh you don't have to bow for me dear Legolas. I was here for a chat, I'll be off now"

She bowed and turned to leave, leaving the door behind her still open from where Legolas stepped in. The prince looked at Veryan "It's time to go Wanderer"

Veryan rolled his eye's and walked past Legolas, grabbing his violin before going out to the hall "Wanderer is a title, my prince. My name, however, is Veryan"

A small smile could be seen appearing on the prince's face, surprising Veryan, as this was the first time he has seen Legolas doing something different than just staring. "My name isn't prince either. I'm Legolas"

A smiled appeared on Veryan's face "Pleasure to meet you"

Legolas closed the door to the guest rooms and once again placed his hand on the bottom of Veryan's back, leading the Human to where the other could only say was the main room.

"I would like to ask, what relationship do you have with Lady Mirani?" Legolas asked after minutes of silence.

Veryan chuckled and looked down "Only that of a sister's, but we have been confused for a couple once or twice. Yet only for the fact that my white hair is similar to hers"

Legolas nodded and looked on forward. This time, it was Veryan to ask a question "And the red Elf? You two seam pretty close"

The prince lightly froze up at those words "Your words, Veryan. Tauriel is nothing but a sister figure to me"

The other male smirked and hummed "To the blind eye it did seem like there was something going on"

Legolas shook his head, the small smile reaping on his lips "I'm afraid to disappoint you then. She seems far more interested in one of the Dwarves then she ever could me"

Veryan gasped, turning to look at Legolas, who in turn looked at him "Which one?"

"He's quite taller then the rest. Scruffy beard, long brown hair, brow eyes. Quite ugly" he answered simply.

The Wizard and The PrinceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang