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The first time Willow ever stepped foot in Riverview's grand dining hall, she had been in awe. The ceiling was tall, propped up with thick stone pillars, and the walls were pierced with stained glass windows, depicting various biblical figures who watched over the students with unmoving foggy gazes. Portraits were strung up around the hall of past headmistresses and founders of the school, all wearing stern expressions. They used to intimidate Willow, but now she regarded them with fondness; like looking at photos of old family members you have no memory of ever meeting.

The room was once a ballroom, and sometimes, Willow liked to imagine the ghosts dancing around her, men in stuffy suits and women in pretty dresses. The wine and the music and the awkward affection between dance partners. Now, the room was where hundreds of girls in grey skirts and navy blazers ate every meal, chatting with their friends and stressing about homework. Decadence faded into mundanity.

Willow was sat with her friends, distracted and irritated, pushing her food around her plate with her fork. Sydney was talking about a boy from the village, but Willow wasn't paying attention, not until Sydney snapped her fingers in her face, "Oi." Sydney said, "What's wrong with you?"

Willow shrugged, "Nothing." She ate a mouthful of pasta to prove that that was true.

"Is it the new girl?" Val rose her brows questioningly.

"What about the new girl?" Dahlia was sat across the oak table from Willow, feet propped up on the wooden bench. "I liked her."

"She's full of herself." Willow rolled her eyes, dropping her cutlery in disinterest.

"How so?" Sydney asked through a mouthful of macaroni and cheese.

"Her uniform." Val answered on Willow's behalf, "It was a mess; did you see it?"

"Burke will have her head." Dahlia added gravely, "You know what the old girl's like about that sort of thing."

"I told her she needed to fix it by tomorrow." Willow said, "Otherwise I'll have to write her up."

Sydney paused, her fork hovering in the air, "Wow." She breathed out, "Seems a bit harsh, even for you, Will."

Willow looked between the other two for support, but both Dahlia and Val suddenly appeared very interested in their plates. Willow sighed, "She gets on my nerves." She finally said.

"It's her first day." Dahlia reasoned. There was sympathy in her green eyes, as there so often was. "You gotta give her a chance."

"I have." Willow deadpanned.

"Where is she anyway?" Val ran her fingers through her thick chestnut hair as she scanned the dining hall, only to find no trace of Jordan, "Aren't you meant to be looking after her?"

"She wandered off." Willow shrugged, pushing her glasses up her nose.

"You didn't try to find her?" Dahlia pressed.

Sydney scoffed, "Why should she?" She rubbed Willow's shoulder affectionately, "If she doesn't want Will's help then fuck her."

Willow pushed her hand away, "Don't swear."

Sydney rolled your eyes, "God, you're so—"

"There are teachers around!"

"Fine!" Sydney held her hands up in surrender, "Jesus..."

"She's probably lost." Dahlia glanced around the dining hall nervously, eyes lingering on the entrance, half expecting to see Jordan walk in at any moment, "You shouldn't have left her, Willow. All these long winding corridors — even I still get lost sometimes."

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