twenty seven

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Willow woke Jordan up the next morning with kisses, trailing them down her face, her throat, her collarbone, her shoulders. She didn't stop until the girl beneath her stirred, her eyes slowly fluttering open, revealing big brown globes, twinkling in the morning light.

"Morning." Willow grinned, kissing her square on the lips.

Jordan groaned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "G'morning." Jordan mumbled back, lazily returning Willow's kiss.

"We're alone." Willow whispered excitedly, "The others went down to breakfast."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Jordan blinked up at her.

"Well, I thought we might have more fun up here." Willow smirked.

Jordan laughed, tugging Willow's lips down to meet hers, before flipping her over, and pinning Willow onto the mattress. "Oh, yeah?" She teased, her fingers slipping past the hem of Willow's t-shirt, "You're not hungry?"

"I am." Willow replied, "But for something else."

Their skin was burning, their eyes alit with flames of desire. They moulded together seamlessly, tearing at each other's clothes, hot flesh pressed together. Soon, the empty dorm room was full of moans, and quick hurried breaths, drawn through swollen lips, mumbling each other's names, over and over, like an endless mantra. They were sweating by the time they finished, collapsing onto the mattress, staring up at the ceiling, trying to collect their thoughts, and put themselves back together again.

"I really can't get enough of you, blondie." Jordan laughed breathlessly.

Willow's eyes were set on the dome ceiling above, tracing the wooden rafters with her gaze, like she had done countless times before. Sometimes when she laid in bed she imagined the ceiling dissolving, revealing the sheet of stars above, and the moon staring down at her, making her feel small and alone. "I can't get enough of you either." She mumbled back.

"You alright?" Jordan tilted her face to the side, eyes locking with Willow's, "After last night?"

Willow sighed, "I'll talk to them." She said, "Sydney will understand. She always the end."

Jordan nodded in understanding, "Okay."

"Can I ask you something?" Willow pressed apprehensively, her eyes not quite meeting Jordan's, "It's about...something you said last night..."

Jordan seemed to understand Willow almost instantly, "Is it about the girls I've slept with?" She queried.

Willow nodded, "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to—"

"I don't do that anymore." Jordan promised her, "Is that what you wanted to hear, blondie?" She smiled, combing her fingers through Willow's frizzy curls.

Willow hesitated, "I was just...curious, is all."

Jordan sighed, "I used to use a fake ID to get into clubs." She explained, "I'd meet girls there, sleep with them, and never talk to them again."

Willow stared at her, and tried to understand how it was possible for the Jordan she knew to be so far removed from the Jordan being described to her right now, "Oh." She breathed out.

"Willow." Jordan smiled, "I haven't done that for a long time."

Willow leant forward to kiss her, trying to prove a point that she didn't mind, "Okay." She smiled, "Yeah, I believe you. I was just...just wondering." She pulled away reluctantly, and rolled out of bed, "We should get dressed, before the others come back."

They lazily pulled their clothes on and brushed their teeth, trying to flatten their messy hair, and cool their hot cheeks. Sydney, Dahlia, and Val returned from the dining hall shortly afterwards, chatting quietly amongst themselves, nursing aching hangovers.

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