thirty two

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"Tell me again."

Willow rolled her eyes, "I've told you the story a million times."

"I wanna hear it again." Jordan whined.

"No." Willow chuckled, nudging her away playfully. They were laying on Jordan's bed, a record spinning in the corner, rain hitting the window outside.

"I can't believe you—you—swore at Burke." Jordan's eyes were shining with disbelief. She rolled onto her side, her gaze catching Willow's, "Unfortunately, this does mean we're gonna have to call it quits."

Willow laughed, "Yeah?" She pressed, "And why's that?"

"Well, I was kinda into the whole prefect thing." She teased, "Without your badge you're just..." She sighed dramatically, "You don't excite me anymore, Chambers."

Willow rose her brows questioningly, "Oh, really?" She shifted to the edge of the bed, "Well, I guess if you're not into this, then..." She stood up, "I should probably leave."

Jordan grabbed her wrist, and yanked her back onto the bed, "I suppose I'll get over it."

"But that might take some time."

"I'm over it." Jordan captured Willow's lips, and kissed her softly.

Willow loved Jordan's bedroom, because there was so much of Jordan in it. The sweet smell that lingered on her pillowcase, the record player humming softly in the corner, the clothes strewn across the floor in a messy heap. Willow wanted to soak it all in, let it press against her skin, seep into her bones.

They pulled away from the kiss, staring into each other's eyes, struggling not to fall in, "How does it feel?" Jordan murmured, her fingers combing through Willow's hair distractedly, "Being free from it all?"

"It feels good." Willow smiled proudly. "Really good."

"Does this mean you've converted to the dark side?" Jordan teased, "Have I turned little-miss-perfect into a troublemaker?"

Willow grinned, "Like you said; 'we're dangerous together'."

Jordan smiled, "I'm kinda in love with you, y'know?"

Willow's chest tightened, and it wasn't until that moment that she realised how easily she had fallen for Jordan. It was effortless, loving someone like her; someone with so much confidence, so much bravery, so much light inside of them. And so Willow did something even braver than swearing at a teacher; "I'm kinda in love you with you, too."

Relief flashed across Jordan's face, but her smile was as bright as ever, "You'll be my girlfriend then?"

Willow rolled her eyes, "You're so romantic, Kiani."

Jordan untangled herself from her sheets, slid off the bed, and kneeled in front of Willow. She took both of Willow's hands in hers, and gave them a squeeze, "Will you—Willow Chambers—take me—Jordan Kiani—to be your loving, faithful, and admiring girlfriend, till...till one of us gets bored of the other?"

Willow slid off the bed, and sunk to Jordan's level on the floor, "I'm already bored of you."

"God, I'm bored of you, too." Jordan teased, "I didn't wanna be rude about it, but..."

Willow kissed her hard, "Yes." She murmured into Jordan's hot lips.


"I'll be your girlfriend."

Jordan grinned triumphantly, tackling Willow to the floor, kissing every inch of skin she could reach; her forehead, her cheeks, her throat, her lips, over and over again. Willow was giggling and gasping for breath when she finally mustered the strength to shove Jordan off. They both lay there, on the floor, chests rising and falling, smiles ghosting their lips as they stared up at the ceiling, lost in thought.

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