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A week passed, and then two. Willow spent time with Jordan, though not as much as she would have liked. Her infatuation continued to grow, and before she knew it, it had been a month. A month of hot cheeks, and sweaty palms, and weak knees. Willow wasn't sure how much longer she could keep it up - the aching, the longing, the falling.

Willow was sprawled across her bed, her nose in a book, enjoying the silence of the empty dorm room. But she couldn't focus, because earlier, Jordan had brushed against her a little too closely, and it was all Willow could think about. She was sure that she was losing her mind - losing herself. She glanced up when the door creaked open, and Dahlia walked through, stopping in her tracks when she noticed Willow, "Oh." She smiled, "Hi. I didn't think you'd be up here."

"I had a free period." Willow tossed the book aside, grateful for a distraction.

"Don't you usually spend free periods in the library?" Dahlia kicked her shoes off and climbed onto the end of Willow's bed.

Willow shrugged, "Usually."

"Well, I only came up here for a nap." Dahlia admitted, "But I'm glad I've caught you, actually."

Willow frowned, "Why?"

"I haven't had the chance to talk to you alone for a while." She grinned, and Willow didn't like where this conversation was going.

"What is it?" She groaned.

"You're into Jordan, aren't you?"

Willow would have played it off with a scoff and a roll of the eyes, but her body betrayed her. Her cheeks flushed red, and her shoulders stiffened accordingly. She gulped, "Why would you...?" It was too late - the guilt was already written across her face.

Dahlia grinned, "You're adorable, Willow."

"Shut up." She hid her face in her hands, shame flooding through her body.

"It's so cute, watching you two together." Dahlia continued, "You're always giggling whenever she's around - I've never seen you like that before."

Willow wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out of it again. She was sure that she had never been so embarrassed before. "I just... She..." Willow had nothing to say; nothing that would lessen her shame, "She's cool, I guess."

Dahlia chuckled, "You have a thing for rule-breakers then?" She rose her brows questioningly.

"No." Willow shot back, but it was a lie. The messier Jordan's uniform got, the more Willow wanted to rip it off of her. The more detentions Jordan got, the more Willow wanted to follow her into Miss Burke's office, like a lost puppy searching for its owner. She wasn't just attracted to Jordan, she was attracted to her recklessness, her bad behaviour, her complete lack of regard for the rules. It thrilled Willow, and that terrified her.

"Look at you; the prefect, fallen for the troublemaker." Dahlia teased.

"I haven't fallen for her." Willow protested, though the lie was flimsy. "She's just... I don't know..."

"Is she gay?" Dahlia asked curiously.

"She's never said."

Dahlia nodded in understanding, "She probably is, y'know?"

Willow rose her brows, "And how would you know that?"

Dahlia shrugged, "Can you imagine her with a boyfriend? Because I can't."

"I guess not." Willow gulped nervously. She wouldn't get her hopes up. Jordan was nothing more than a fantasy. "It's not like... Well, y'know, I'm not exactly looking for a girlfriend."

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