twenty two

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Willow followed Jordan into the next corridor, where they both abruptly stopped in front of a grainy photograph, Jordan's Mother's face watching them from beyond the dusty frame.

"Jordan." Willow said softly, glancing over her shoulder, ensuring that they were alone. She had abandoned her friends after Miss Burke's explosion, tracing Jordan's footsteps, desperate not to lose her in the jagged winding corridors.

Jordan sighed heavily, leaning back against the wall, twisting one of her rings around her fingers distractedly, "This place is a joke." She said dryly.

Willow didn't step any closer, maintaining a distance between them that felt vast and impossible, "Jordan." She said again.

"Write me up then." Jordan demanded, "There's no point in us both getting in trouble."

Willow frowned, "I'm not going to—"

"Write me up for violating the dress code."

"No." Willow replied firmly. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

Jordan raised her brows, "Stubborn?"

"You'd rather sit in detention than tuck your shirt in? Really?"

Jordan laughed coldly, "It's not about my fucking shirt, Chambers." She ran her fingers through her black hair frustratedly.

"What's it about then?"

Jordan didn't reply. She was looking at the photograph on the wall, her eyes trained on her Mother's blurry face, "D'you think she'd be disappointed in me, like Burke says?"

Willow hesitated, then shook her head, "I don't think so."

"And you?" Jordan looked at Willow again, "Are you disappointed?"

Willow frowned, "Why would I be disappointed?"

"Because I spend more time in detention than I do with you." Jordan crossed her arms over her chest, "Because if I don't sort my uniform out, you're gonna lose your prefect badge?"

Willow sighed heavily, and finally built up the courage to step closer, her hand resting on Jordan's shoulder, "I think you're brave, and you're stupid, and you're more confident than I'll ever be." She said quietly, tucking a stray lock behind Jordan's heavily pierced ear. "And what you did...for Sydney...standing up to Miss Burke like that..." She took a deep breath, "How could I be disappointed in you?"

Jordan caught Willow's hand, their fingers interweaving, "I'm sorry." She murmured. "I'm not going to be the reason you get your prefect badge taken away."

Willow smiled softly, "Thank you." She squeezed Jordan's hand.

Jordan pulled away, clumsily tucking her shirt in, and tightening her tie. She smiled, leant forward, and pressed her lips to Willow's cheek.

The light touch triggered a swarm of butterflies to erupt in Willow's chest. She flushed, and her breath hitched in her throat. "We have a free period." She said slowly.

Jordan grinned, "We do." She agreed.

"My dorm room will be empty."

Jordan laughed, "At least buy me dinner first, Chambers."

Willow rolled her eyes, tugging Jordan away from the photograph, away from her Mother's still eyes. The castle was quiet, everyone tucked away in their respective classrooms, the ghosts napping between the walls. They climbed to the top of the West Tower, their footsteps disturbing the peace, light and hurried, scrambling to get to Willow's dorm. It was empty when they arrived, the four unmade beds bathed in sunlight, lounging in the spring air that drifted through the open window.

As soon as the door shut behind them, Jordan grabbed Willow's collar, pulling her body against hers, their lips crashing together. It was a relief, to finally touch again, their skin brushing together, sparking to life at the contact. All that mattered in that moment was Jordan — not Val's sharp words, or Sydney's new hairstyle, or Miss Burke's shrill voice. Just Jordan. Her lips, her skin, her breath.

Willow fell back against the wall, her hands tugging at Jordan's shirt, pulling her closer, and closer, and closer. She could feel everything. Jordan's hips, her thighs, her breasts, all pressed up against Willow. Her pulse, her heartbeat, her quick needy breaths. It was driving Willow mad. It was too much, and yet, Willow wasn't sure whether it would ever be enough. She needed more. She needed everything. Every inch of flesh, every inch of her soul.

When Jordan's hands slid up Willow's shirt, Willow froze. Jordan's hot fingertips traced her bare stomach, her bellybutton, her ribs. Climbing higher and higher, until Jordan suddenly pulled away, "Is this okay?" She murmured into Willow's lips, her fingers lingering above the fabric of Willow's bra.

Willow suppressed the whimper that threatened to crawl up her throat at the loss of contact. She dragged Jordan's lips back down to hers, kissing her fiercely, tasting every inch of her sweet mouth. "Yes." Willow finally mumbled back.

They continued to kiss as Jordan slowly untangled Willow's tie, and started unbuttoning her shirt. The fabric slipped away, revealing her bare stomach, and black sports bra. Willow had never been touched like this before. She had never been touched at all. It was a foreign feeling, having Jordan's hands on her skin, her body, her breasts. She felt hot all over, the tightness in her chest worsening, constricting her lungs, her heart.

Willow tugged at Jordan's blazer, then her tie, then the buttons of her shirt. Willow needed to feel the other girl beneath her fingertips. She needed to know that Jordan was real. That this wasn't just another dream. That she wasn't about to wake up with flushed cheeks and sweaty skin.

Willow dragged Jordan towards her bed, and the pair toppled onto the mattress, a mess of flailing limbs and loose clothes. The drew each other back in like magnets, lips never straying far, hands always greedy for more. Willow didn't hesitate when Jordan tugged at her bra questioningly, her glowing eyes pleading for permission. Willow complied, pulling her bra off and collapsing back into the pillows, letting Jordan continue her never ending exploration of Willow's body.

"You're beautiful." Jordan murmured, one hand cupping Willow's breast, the other sliding up her side, fingertips drawing sparks along hot flesh.

Willow tore her glasses off, tossing them onto her bedside table, then holding Jordan's face in her hands. She needed her closer. She needed to imbed herself beneath Jordan's flesh so deeply that she would never scrub off. Like a tattoo, immortalising this very moment, in Willow's dorm room, sunlight in their hair, sheet tangled between their legs. "You're beautiful." Willow eventually hummed back, once she had found her voice.

Jordan smirked into her lips, "What do you want here, blondie?" She whispered lowly, her hands still caressing Willow's chest, her stomach, her hips; every inch of skin she could reach.

"I want you." Willow mumbled back, her voice tight, constrained by lust.

Jordan pulled back, her brown eyes shining with something Willow had never seen before; longing. "Do you know what you're asking for, Willow?" Jordan pressed softly, her fingers tangling into Willow's golden curls, "I want you to be sure."

"I'm sure." Willow replied quickly, wrapping her arms around the back of Jordan's neck, attempting to pull her back down. The few inches between their lips may as well have been stretched into miles, because in that moment, Jordan felt so far away.

Jordan leant down to kiss her, and when she managed to pull a sweet moan from between Willow's lips, Jordan lifted Willow's skirt, and gently pushed her thighs apart.

The first time Willow ever laid her eyes on Jordan, something dangerous was twinkling in her almond eyes. Willow was used to it now; that spark of mischief, excitement, madness. Now, there was something else; almost adoration. She liked it more. She felt it too, deep in her core, striking her in the heart. And as Jordan slowly took her apart with her hands, Willow fell even further into Jordan Kiani. She wondered if she would ever muster the strength to crawl back out.

She hoped not.

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