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Willow and Jordan wandered through the thick tree trunks, the fresh earthy smell of fallen leaves and rich soil rising to their noses. Above them, the day's dwindling sunlight filtered through the treetops, barely grazing them. The forest was silent, save from the breeze rattling through the branches, and their footsteps disturbing the untouched earth.

"You okay?" Jordan finally asked, her fingertips grazing the bark of an old tree as she passed it.

Willow nodded, twirling a leaf between her fingers, "Yeah." She sighed, "I'm sorry you had to see that. Recently, Sydney has been a bit..." She didn't finish her sentence because she wasn't sure how to.

"Is it me?" Jordan queried, her footsteps slowing, curious eyes focussed on Willow, "I can tell she doesn't like me—"

"It's not that—"

"Blondie." Jordan chuckled, "I don't need everyone to like me. It's alright."

Willow sighed in defeat, "Fine." She admitted, "She doesn't like you."

"And you guys have been arguing about it?"

Willow leant back against the nearest tree, her heels digging into the dirt, "We've been arguing about a lot of things. I think...I think she's jealous."

"Of you?"

"Of you."

"Why would she be jealous of me?" Jordan leant back against the opposite tree, toes brushing Willow's.

Willow shrugged, tearing up the leaf in her hands, "We've been spending a lot of time together."

"What—does she have a crush on you or something?" Jordan laughed.

Willow rolled her eyes, "No." She dropped the leaf, locked eyes with Jordan, and with a flash of bravery, "Do you?"

Jordan was taken aback by the question, but quickly pulled herself together, rearranging the lopsided smirk that plagued her pretty face, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Willow kicked herself away from the tree trunk, stepping towards Jordan. Her body was hot, full of adrenaline, from winning the hockey match, from her fight with Sydney, from Jordan's heavy presence. A flame of courage had been ignited inside her. And it was the courage she had been waiting for for weeks. "I would like to know." She replied firmly.

Jordan stared down at Willow, lips parted, eyes twinkling with something fierce, "You would like to know if I have a crush on you?"


"You're braver than I gave you credit for."

"Answer the question."

"Fucking hell, blondie—"



Willow froze. "Yes?"

"I have a crush on you."

Willow felt like her entire life had been leading up to this moment. Like an elastic band being pulled tighter and tighter and tighter until finally — snap. Right here, right now, in the quiet forest, stood opposite the girl with almond eyes, and smooth brown skin, and a deadly mischievous smile. This was what she had been waiting for; all those years of wondering, restlessness, confusion. It was all for this. For those six words.

Willow's restraint finally cracked. She curled her fingers around Jordan's collar, and crashed their lips together.

When they kissed, everything around them slotted into place. And Willow thought that this was exactly where she belonged. Soft lips on hers, Jordan's fingers in her hair, their bodies pressed together, breathing into each other's cold mouths. Something like relief settled in Willow's chest; like coming up for air after spending years underground, deprived of open skies and green grass. Because with their limbs tangled together, leant back against a tree older than her parents, Willow thought that Jordan was made of sunlight and gold. She was made of stars and moonlight. She was made of mischief and happiness.

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