Chapter 2

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It had been eight years since our father died. And only now were we receiving a message from him. His first letter had contained all his assets and belongings that he was giving away.

But supposedly he wrote a second letter.

I was sitting on the couch waiting for the man in front of me to find the letter in his briefcase. It felt like I was waiting ten years for him to shuffle all the pockets.

If I was being completely honest, I would be guessing that the letter contained some bullshit about making trades or deals with other companies or businesses. But nonetheless I decided it was important enough for me come and receive it in person. Lorenzo was always busy these days and decided he 'couldn't come' so I came by myself.

The man gave me a quick glance before handing me the letter.

I took a deep breath before unfolding it and reading it.

"My dear sons,

By the time you receive this letter I will be long gone.

I would like to start off by saying sorry, for everything.

If I could have done something different that day, we would still be a happy family with the two girls we love living right beside us.

That was my first mistake.

My second mistake was giving your sister away. Every time I looked into her big doe eyes, they reminded me of your mother's. It put serious bad thoughts in my head. I couldn't even look at my own daughter.

It made me crazy.

I thought giving my dear Sofia away would clear my head; Put me out of my misery. But it didn't. I became worse. I treated my own family like shit and couldn't handle my own problems. I am truly sorry. For everything.

So as my last wish I ask you to find your sister. Make things right. Live life the way it was meant to be lived. Please find attached to this letter information regarding where I sent her.

I will always love you.
Your father,

Luciano Marchetti."

I couldn't believe it.


Why did my father have to wait a few years till giving me the information to where he sent Sofia?

I remember when I was young boy, Lorenzo and I used to beg him to bring her back. But he wouldn't listen. He thought he knew better. He said it was for her safety. But we didn't understand why our little sister couldn't be perfectly safe in our own home.

When my father died, Lorenzo forged himself as guardian of my younger brothers and me. After that Lorenzo became in charge of all the companies and businesses our father owned. He did his best to take care of us all, but it was honestly a challenge for him. He was the only one of us that was of legal age. The twins and Nazaire were not even 10 years old at that point.

We all wanted to look for Sofia after our father died. But with no clues or signs all my brothers gave up. I know Lorenzo didn't want to stop looking for her but with all the other things he had to manage he didn't ever have any free time to search for her.

The only things we were given were pictures of her up until her 6th birthday sent from an unknown source. After that they suddenly stopped being sent. My brothers and I waited for days at the computer for any picture or image telling us that our sorellina was safe and happy. We became worried and anxious after we received nothing.

Had she died? Was she in danger?

We knew nothing. Our father refused to tell us. All we could do was pray that she would make it back to us someday.

Now finally I was being given the power to find her.

It was like our family was starting to slowly fix itself.

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