Chapter 40

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As soon as things started going my way, of course some shit had to happen. Lorenzo made Matteo drop Nazaire and me at home. I wanted to stay with Phoenix, but he said it would be best if we left.

That night I slept in Nazaire's room. I just didn't want to be left alone with my thoughts. Every minute I could feel my emotions eating me inside out. I just kept thinking about what would've happened if I didn't go to the store that day.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" I asked turning over to face Nazaire.

"I'm not sure.... all I know it that Lorenzo said it's best that we don't stay at the hospital..."

"But why?"

"I think" he sighed before continuing "I think he's trying to protect us... I know it seems like he just pushing us away, but I trust him."

"Was he always like this?"

"Like what?" Nazaire questioned clearly confused.

"Just kind of cold. I know how hard he works to take care of us but it always feels like he's keeping this distance. I just feel kind of disconnected with him."

"Oh. I think he's just become sort of drained over these past few years. When our mother died it was like our father died with him. Not physically but emotionally. That's what I've been told anyway. Sometimes he does open up, and it feels like he's a completely different person."

My family was so broken. They've all pushed away from each other while a few of them try to bring them back together. It's like trying to glue back together the pieces of a broken vase. From a distance it might look fine but up close you will still see the damage and cracks.

"What about when you were younger?"

"When I was younger, he was even more focused on the family's company... I remembered we would barely see him, and he was stressed all the time. He always made time for us but.... it wasn't perfect."

"And you're okay with that?"

"I didn't have a choice, did I? Family's family, and they raised me."

Sadly I couldn't say the same; I wonder what my life would've been like if I had been raised by my brothers.

"Can I ask one last question?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"How did our mother die?"

"Oh... well I wasn't expecting that....."

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to..."

"No it's fine, but do you not know?"

"I- .... I've just been told that it was somehow my fault that her life was taken from her. Every-time I try to think of her I just see her two eyes looking at me."

"What!? Who told you that!?"


"Woah, no no no. There's no way that it was your fault. Our mother died in a horrible car accident. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You were in the car with her and survived. I can't believe you didn't know the truth."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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