Chapter 6

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It was much easier than I had expected to choose which of my brothers to bring with me to meet Sofia.

I knew I had to bring Nazaire, twins didn't care and the rest of my brothers were busy with work and other things. So that left Matteo. I wish Lorenzo would have offered to come with us but he was so absorbed in his work.

It's not that he didn't care. I would never doubt Lorenzo's care because I knew how important family was to him. I guess that was why he worked so much. He is so set on making and providing a good life for us. He wants what is best for all of us. Even before he became our legal guardian it was Lorenzo who talked to if we had nightmares, it was Lorenzo who comforted us when we were grieving our mother. He was the one who had to change from boy to man in such a short period of time. Maybe meeting Sofia is like him facing what he couldn't accomplish.

That's why I took on this role. I wanted to do my part for this family. No matter how hard it gets I will fight for our sorellina.


We sat in the car listening to the radio. Even if someone outside of our family couldn't tell, I knew that my brothers were very nervous. I'm quiet certain that Matteo remembers Sofia, but Nazaire is only a little over a year older her.

Nazaire wants everything to be perfect. I remember walking into his room last night just to find him practicing his first conversation with Sofia. It was so cute, thank god it was only me who saw him because I knew if Emiliano saw that, Nazaire would be bullied for the rest of his life.

As we pulled up to building I could see that they had arrived before us.

We went to the reception desk and then headed upstairs. I could literally feel Nazaire's nerves radiating of him.

I talked to Maya for a bit before she led us to the room. Maya was very cheerful, and I had taken a liking to her. But right now I did not want to spend too much time on relationships as my sister is my top priority.

I entered the room and as soon as I spotted Sofia, I gave her my signature bear hug. She was so small and petite.

I watched my siblings greet each other with a sense of pride and happiness. Everything was slowly coming together. Step 3 of retrieving sister completed. Step 1 was finding her, and step 2 was meeting her. Step 3 was introducing her to the others.


"We would like to take full custody of our sister." I stated calmy

"What? What do you mean full custody?" sneered Dante

"I'm saying we want our sister to live in our home with our family." I replied.

"You can't just do that. You know I am the one who has been providing for her for so long."

"Yes I do know that and I am extremely grateful for that. But we want to provide for her now. We actually can do that, and we have already started filing our case for being her legal guardian." I explained.

"After everything I have done you cannot just randomly come into our lives and do what you want."

"Ok boys please calm down. Dante, I know this might be very hard for you to hear but the Marchetti's can legally sign up to b-" Maya tried intervening but was rudely stopped by none other than the rude shit pants himself.

"Bullshit! I am in charge of her. I receive money for her and-"

"Those payments will come to an end. They were paid as a standing order from my father for a long time now. But as he is dead, and we will be taking Sofia you will not need the extra income anymore."

Suddenly it was like Dante exploded. He stormed out the room and grabbed Sofia. He was hurting her. God he was definitely an idiot. I wanted nothing more than to help her, but I could not intervene as this would affect our files and good behavior points of the legal documents.

"You can't just take her." I said

"Actually, I can. Because I am her legal guardian not you, some low-life of a brother who wasn't been here for over 10 years."

That's stopped me. The reality of the truth. The one misunderstanding that could prevent us from seeing our own sorellina. The fact that she was not under our care and still hasn't been with us for over the past 10 years.


"So I have extra good news for you guys!" Maya grinned before continuing.

"I looked at most of the house and after asking some of the boys some questions I can confirm your house is more than perfect for another child. Secondly the court has decided to bring our meeting forward to Saturday which gives us 3 days to prepare."

We all let out sighs of relief when we heard what she said. I mean we did threaten all the boys to act like this was a perfect home for Sofia. It's not like it's unsafe, it's just that I fear Xander and Phoenix would not care if Sofia didn't come here. Well actually they would only act like they didn't care, because I know for a fact that deep down in their empty souls there is a little space they have reserved for Sofia.

"The only downside is that they do not know if a house full of 8 boys will make Sofia feel safe and welcomed. What I suggest is that you ensure you have a female her age come here minimum once a week."

"That's fine we can just bring our cousin Vera over. I think she is only a year older than Sofia." I explained.

"Perfect! Make sure you include that in the statement. The only other thing I will have to say is that if you are able to become Sofia's legal guardian, she will be asked questions every week for the first few weeks to ensure everything is going well. This means that if she even reports one bad thing she might be taken away."

Why was all this legal stuff so hard. At this point I would just give Dante 1 million in cash just so he could leave us alone and fuck off.

"Okay, we'll keep that I mind." I replied

"Great! If that's everything I can start heading out now."


We were all having dinner when my phone suddenly started ringing.

I looked at the screen and saw that it was coming from an unknown number.

"Who is it?" asked Lorenzo.

"I don't know, it's an unknown number...."

I excused myself from the table before answering the phone call.


"E-elijah? Is that you?" a distressed voice replied

"Uhm yes. Who is this?"

"It's Sofia."

"Oh what's up Sof."

"I need help."

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