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Angelo's cryptic eyes looked into his golden-brown eyes. Noah was unsure if it was his imagination, but the man's inscrutable countenance gave away a subtle disturbance.

'Why are you looking at me?' he raised an eyebrow swiftly; Angelo pulled his gaze away when Antonio spoke.

"Then, Let's get down to business, shall we, Mr. Moretti?"

"Smooth the way. I have another business to attend."

In their dictionary, conveying pleasantries had been kicked out of the window when the greeting was like holding a knife to each other's throats. 

Antonio and Mario sat down across from Angelo; John and Noah stood behind them. Angelo was with his two men: his bodyguard Calvin; standing behind him and his consigliere; Riccardo, sitting beside him.

The conference room was all fancy and classic: a galactic rectangle table with chairs around it, high ceiling and wall, and a huge glass frame window wall; sunlight drifting through it inside. 

"You must have got the outlook from the papers we faxed you," Mario said, pulling out two files; all about their shitty business of the drug. One of the files was given to Riccardo, who didn't bother to open it and said, "Yes."

"The Costa group is eager to form a partnership with your group," Mario said with a smile and paused before continuing, "We want the Moretti group to invest in our new narcotics business in Japan. And in addition, We ask for an agreement to use the Moretti port to import the loads from Japan to the USA. And you know, these days, there is no slack from the police so, the legal protection from authorized people. In this deal, we can offer you a huge profit from the business, 30 percent."

The profit was something that could tempt any businessman. But Angelo did not run in a circle of selling hard drugs.

"I am afraid that I am not interested." Angelo's instant denial was as simple. He had thought to deny no matter whatever they had offered. An imperceptible tension lurking in the atmosphere. Noah felt he was the only he could noticed it. 

The Costa organization flourishes in an assortment of businesses: drug trafficking, loan sharking, illegal gambling, drugs, and prostitution among several illegal activities. Outwardly their legitimate business of motors. However, Moretti's organization was no saint whatsoever. Angelo's father had established his organization over the past few decades not in the name of Jesus but by joining street mobs and quickly reaching over the top, through the legal and illegal businesses.

However, currently 98% of Moretti's business is legitimate. Despite all of this, Noah won't call them two peas in a pod: they have different morals about society.

Noah shuddered as chills set off through his body: his head had been throbbing, his muscles had been aching and he was burning. 'Am I getting a fever?'  He felt his strength draining out of the body. 'Just bear it for a while, Noah.' he needed to grasp over himself, even though he hadn't had enough time to consume the reality of winding up in this dangerous world of mobs; he doubted he ever would.  

"You see, Mr. Moretti. We have this golden field where the quality of medications is as clean as a hound's tooth as anyone can ever find. I want you to reconsider it. We are offering you the partnership. I am certain that you are familiar with this business of outstanding profit. . . we are talking about billions in a year." Adamantly, Antonio tried to pursue him.

'You all goddamn good at acting.' Noah scoffed underneath the mask.

Everyone knows that the Moretti organization is not an endorsement of drugs that would bring the wreckage to human beings. Because the deal is an excuse to get Angelo Moretti under the grip of Antonio Costa who craves more power and the downfall of the story's protagonist. Also, it can not be denied that the deal is something Antonio wants. And Moretti has this impression of him somewhat about the deal.

Mafia Protagonist Is Interested In Me (MxM) ✓Where stories live. Discover now