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"I have been right about you. . ." he said, "You can save Fratello, right?"

"Yes." Noah nodded and said, "Augustus, tell me everything. I want to hear it."

Augustus crammed down the last bite of the bar before he spoke, 

"It should've been a normal morning like any other morning, but it wasn't, Fratello didn't wake up that morning. First, we thought he was sleeping because of the exhausting work of the late nights, although he never slept this long. Later in the morning, Ben went to wake him up, but he didn't wake up. Immediately, the doctors were called, and everything was normal with him except he wasn't awake. The doctors were unable to do anything, saying he was in a deep slumber. 

"No-one knew about it as it was something new and super rare for a person to suffer from it. There were a few deep slumber cases worldwide, so no expert knew anything about it. And it was terrifying to learn that there was no cure for it. Although Dad funded scientific research organizations so they could find the cure for it, they were getting nowhere. 

"You know, as well as  Fratello's condition was kept secret from everyone except some people. if enemies would get the hint of it they would get the gut to rebel Dad, and do the kind of shady businesses that Fratello had tried to suppress for so long.

"One years passed, he didn't wake up, and we heard that a deep slumber patient died after two years of sleep. But Dad was hopeful, and he believed there was no way anything could happen to his son. 

"After all, Fratello is his pride, everything, and always be. So, losing hope was never an option for him—for us.

"And more than two years passed but there was no sign of Fratello waking up. And, one day, out of nowhere, I received an envelope. Inside of it was a card, with the sender information it says, I can solve your problem. I wasn't leaving any chance even if someone playing a hoax on me. There I met Amelia who knew Fratello's being in deep slumber, which shouldn't be known to anyone. She claimed to cure him. When she explained, in a few months he would die if nothing was done about it. And then she told me how she could help, she said a true maiden love would save Angelo. Honestly, she seemed like a swindler at this point, and I was ready to leave her and go back. But she showed me the magic kind of things, so I believed her. I brought her into the house. After a few days, she told us that the next day we could expect Fratello to wake up if everything would work as she had expected."

"But you found yourself here, right?" Noah asked him.

Augustus nodded and continued to speak, "And the next time I woke up, the time was different, a few months ahead and I had memories of the world—a parallel world where Fratello never being in a deep slumber. Amelia said how she was going to create a replica of the real world, and everything would fall into its place automatically as it should to wake up Fratello, however, she did not reveal much. And I saw your painting... that same painting of yours Fratello made before deep slumber hit him when I asked him about the person in the painting... He gave me the same answer as before that he didn't know.

"And the men in the compound were betting their money if Fratello would date this guy or Charlotte. I learned from Tom, a guy asked Fratello to marry him. And I showed him Fratello's painting pic. At that moment, I knew you were the person who could help Fratello."

Augustus's forest-green eyes filled with hope looked at him. "I know, you know a great deal of what I am talking about, right?"

Noah had attempted to tell Angelo everything when the man decided to bring him to his place, yet he didn't dare to utter a word. Noah wanted to tell someone the truth.  

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