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Once again, alone in one of the main house' rooms, he looked at his reflection into the full length mirror. The make-up connoisseur was sent to help to get him ready, he had done a marvelous job to bring in him an exquisite bride but technically a groom in a white beautiful suit, that was made and brought by Mason, the old tailored man who already had his body measurements. The comma hairstyle was a little different but better with the bangs over his forehead. The glow on his face was put off a little by his golden-brown eyes teeming with nervousness because was scared what if something frightening come off like, suddenly, Costa's men broke into the Moretti's compound, and this place would become the battlefield. He shook his head and shut his eyes firmly in this way his gruesome thought could divert.

However, he needed to cut some slack for himself and stop torturing himself like that, he walked over to the window and ajar a curtain little watch outside as he waited. The garden was lit up by the vintage lumps as the sky turned up dark.

Since he had learned that Angelo agreed to marry him, today. He was dying to talk to him. Although he was told that the wedding couple should not see each other before the marriage. If they would meet it's seen as a jinx. He wanted to roll his eyes and wanted to ask what else could happen when Aurora had died, Augustus was in a coma, and Costa's men were after Angelo's life. Nonetheless, he kept his mouth shut as he didn't have the guts to challenge the universe that was on his ass these days.

He swirled his gaze as he heard the door opening sound. Em entered and behind him was Enzo, his brother.

"You ready?" Em asked.

'This is happening.'



His steps wavered at the entrance of the conservatory as he glanced up inside of it, literally the thousands of twinkling yellow lights dripping from its ceiling, and the altar was decorated with seasoning white flowers.

There were people seated on the chairs on both sides of the aisle. Em had told him before that it would be the wedding without feasting and beverages and no guests were invited, only they were the families living in the compound. For a moment, he wondered, if they were thinking something nasty as they were marrying when the Family was still mourning for Aurora. Then on second thought, he didn't give a damn about it.

Being agitated, he drew breath in and puffed out before he strode over to the opening of the aisle.

The people stood up from their chairs, and he didn't raise his eyes to glimpse, but he could feel their eyes on him with curiosity and excitement. And without lifting up his gaze he ambled on the aisle alone. The heavenly music commenced. His steps halted when his gaze went to Angelo's parents, Cecilia stood along with her husband, and she gave him a knowing smile as if they knew why he was marrying Angelo.

'Has Angelo told his parents everything?'  If they trusted Angelo's words, he was envious of him as no one would trust him.
He was startled when a warm hand made a hold on his hand, drawing his attention away from the couple.

The golden-brown eyes dashed over to his groom. "You look beautiful." His gentle smile carried no tint of mockery, and those ocean-blue eyes looked fixedly at him with such admiration and love that his heart was brimmed with this overwhelmed feeling that the man believed him— did he?
'Did you believe me— It does not matter though.' Angelo listened to his thoughts.

There was a sudden trace of guilt across the man's face as he brought his other free hand to Noah's face, and rubbed his thumb against his cheek to wipe a lone tear that got away without his knowledge.

And a funny throaty laugh escaped Noah's lips, skewing to hide his face away from the people.

'Fuck. why am I crying?'

Mafia Protagonist Is Interested In Me (MxM) ✓Where stories live. Discover now