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THE FOUR TEENS had been trying to figure out what the translation meant for a while, but Irina was forced to leave when Max and El desperately needed a ride home after El had dumped Mike. That left Dustin, Robin and Steve to try and figure it out. They were there until closing time.

"I mean, it just doesn't make sense." Steve said, locking up the doors to Scoops before the three of them made their way through the empty mall.

"Honestly, I think it's great news." Dustin contradicted.

"How is it great news? It's total nonsense." Steve argued.

"It's not nonsense. I think Irina was right when she said it was a code." Dustin retorted.

"I don't know, man." Steve disagreed. In reality he was just trying to convince himself that it meant nothing and that there weren't evil Russians in Hawkins that could possibly endanger his girlfriend.

"I think he's right." Robin sides with Dustin. "If the Russians were gonna attack what would you expect them to say? 'Fire the warheads at noon'? Of course not." Robin said.

"Exactly." Dustin sighed.

"And 'the silver cat feeds'? Why would anyone talk like that unless they were trying to mask the true meaning of their message? And why would anyone try to mask the true meaning of their message unless it was, somehow, sensitive." Robin concluded.

"Exactly." Dustin repeated. Steve knew Robin was right. But that only worried him even more. What if they were here for Irina?

"Evil Russians." Robin chuckled in disbelief.

"Maybe silver cat's a meeting place." Dustin suggested.

"Or a person." Robin added.

Meanwhile, Steve had stopped in his tracks besides the carousel horse and was feeling around for change in his pocket. He knew he recognised that music.

"You sure you're tall enough for that ride?" Robin teased.

"Holy shit." Dustin said in realisation, pulling the recording out of his pocket and playing it. The music was the same.

"Maybe they have horses like these in Russia." Robin suggested.

"The Indiana Flyer? I don't think so." Steve said, reading the name of the horse. "This code didn't come from Russia. It came from here." He said, worriedly. He looked over at Dustin, who wore the same knowing look on his face. Irina was right.

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