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"SHIT, NO, NO, no!" Steve exclaimed and placed his hands on Irina's shoulders, shaking her to try and snap her out of her trance. "Guys!" He yelled and gestured the other three over. "No, Irina, baby, come on. Don't do this, please, please, don't do this." He begged. He was completely helpless. The love of his life was dying in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Irina, wake up!"

"Can you hear me, Irina?"

The kids rambled on in an attempt to bring Irina back to reality. Her eyes said it all. Steve ran his hands aggressively though his hair and down his face before looking over to Dustin.

"Quick, go call Robin and Nance! Quick, go, go!" He ordered and Dustin sprinted down to the car.

Irina ran and ran as fast as she could through the graveyard to try and escape Vecna. He was everywhere. Wherever she went, he gained on her. She was literally running for her life. The heavy mist didn't help. A large stone slab caught Irina's eye and she leapt behind it for a moment so she could catch her breath. She poked her head around the side of it only to see Vecna's form emerging from the mist yet again.

"You cannot hide from me, Irina." He growled.

"Shit." She hissed and was on her feet once again. She didn't know what to do so she just ran again. Her surroundings were completely the same so she came to a halt and almost choked on her own breath. "Steve!" She cried. "Steve, where are you!" More tears were flowing down her face. But that's when she saw something. The heavy mist was now a bright red-orange and rapidly coming towards her.

Dustin came sprinting back up to where Steve, Max, Lucas and Irina were with Max's headphones and tapes in his hands, almost dropping them as he ran. He skidded onto his knees and dropped all of the tapes and the headphones in front of everyone and didn't even bother catching his breath.

"What the hell is this?!" Steve panicked.

"Steve, what is her favourite song?!" Dustin questioned.

"What?! Why?!" Steve asked frantically.

"Robin said that i-if... it's too much to explain right now! What is her favourite song?!" Dustin yelled.

Irina walked through the red mist, her eyes widening when it began clearing to reveal large spikes sticking up from the ground and many, many floating objects in the sky. At one point she could've sworn she heard something screech in the distance too. She proceeded to walk towards it, hearing the ticking of that same grandfather clock as she approached some stairs that lead nowhere. The floor was almost wet and gooey in places and the air was damp.

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