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IRINA KEPT THE last photograph of herself and Hopper that was taken in her wallet at all times. Her wallet was something she never lost, so she knew it would be safe in there. She was up early in the morning to go and sit by his gravestone for a while. It just helped. She told him everything she would've told him if he was still alive. She spoke to him like he was still here. It didn't matter if he could hear her or not. And the fact that his gravestone was besides Svetlana's gave her a piece of mind. It put her at ease. The two people that treat her like their own daughter were listening to her words.

Irina visited their gravestones quite often. She was on her way to do that now, needing to tell Hopper about the game, about how well herself and Steve were going, about how they'd settled into their house. It was small things like this that she felt like telling him. He would've wanted to know.

"I had another nightmare last night." She spoke, sitting in front of the stone slab that read Hopper's name. "It was about how I ended up the way I did in the lab. Steve helped me though. He always does. Sometimes I still wonder how I got so lucky with him." She said. "I miss El. She wrote to me and told me she made a new friend. Angela, I think her name was. She seemed happy about it. I just hope she's telling the truth." She added, but didn't hear the footsteps behind her.

"Irina?" She turned to see Max, who also visited quite often to see Billy's grave. Irina could tell how much she was struggling. She'd been in her position before. In fact, she still was. The two of them had gotten quite close over the last year. Both having lost people. Shared trauma and all.

"Hey, Max. How are you doing?" Irina asked and Max shrugged, sitting down besides her.

"I told myself I hated him when he was alive. I didn't. You only really know how much you care about someone when you lose them. He was a shitty brother, but I miss him." She admitted, tearing up.

"Hopper was only legally my dad for like almost two years, but he always felt like a parent to me. Ever since I got to Hawkins. I used to stay out at night on my own to think and he always used to find me wondering around while he was patrolling. He would warn me every single time not to stay out late at night and he would take me home. But I did it again anyway. He was one of the only people who ever looked out for me." Irina explained to Max, also tearing up.

"God, look at us." Max chuckled, sadly, and so did Irina.

"We'll be alright." Irina smiled. "We will. I swear."

"Thanks, Irina." Max said.

"For what?" Irina asked.

"I don't know. I guess it just would've been a lot harder going through this by myself. Even when we don't talk, and we just sit here. It just feels better knowing there's someone with me who really knows how I feel." Max explained.

"Me too, Max. I'm glad I've got you." Irina said, pulling Max into a side hug.


The next morning, Irina was the first to wake up again, but Steve arose not long after because he had work. Irina was snuggled down on the sofa wrapped in a blanket and eating a bowl of cereal in front of the television. She was pretty tired after staying out quite late with Max and dropping her off. Steve sat besides her while he slipped his shoes on and followed her gaze to the tv screen. It was the news. Apparently a girl had been murdered.

"Holy shit." Steve muttered.

"That's near Max's house." Irina concluded.

"Maybe Hawkins is cursed." Steve said.

"No kidding." Irina replied. Steve stood up from the sofa and leant down over Irina to kiss the top of her head.

"Remember to call if you need anything." Steve told her.

"Steve, I-"

"Ah, ah. Call." Steve interrupted her.

"Alright. I will." Irina finally said and Steve leant down again, kissing her lips.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you, too." Irina answered and kissed him one last time before he left. Once Irina had finished her cereal, she put on some jeans with a belt and a white polo top and was about to go check the mail box when there was a knock at the door. Irina furrowed her brows but went to go and answer it anyway. Who the hell would I be? She slightly opened the door but let out a sigh and opened it more when she saw who it was. Dustin and Max.

"Hi." Dustin smiled, but Irina knew that smile.

"What have you done?" She asked.

"I haven't done anything!" Dustin defended.

"It's just a theory." Max said.

"What's just a theory?" Irina asked, opening the door wider so they could come inside. They sat Irina down on the sofa, turned off the television and began explaining.

"So you saw Eddie run out to his car looking scared?" Irina questioned.

"Like, really, really scared." Max said.

"And before that the TV and the lights were flickering, so you think that something other that Eddie killed Chrissy Cunningham?" Irina asked, just to make sure.

"That's what we're thinking." Dustin confirmed.

"But it's just a theory. I mean, Eddie could've killed her, but, I don't know, it just didn't seem right. It seemed like..." Max trailed off, knowing the two others knew what she meant.

"We need you to drive us to Steve's work." Dustin said.

"What? Why?" Irina asked.

"Because they have the cool computer and all the phones so we need to set up base of operations there." He explained.

"I will drive you, but you better take the blame when Steve gets cranky about it." Irina agreed.

"Fine by me." Dustin said.

"Come on then." Irina grabbed Steve's grey jacket to slip on and ushered Dustin and Max out of the house and into her car. Irina never thought she'd say it, but things would be so much simpler if Eddie was the murderer.

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