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NOT A WORD was said the entire car journey to the cemetery. As soon as they arrived, Irina was straight out of the car. Steve watched her take a few steps before letting out a long sigh and racing out of the car too.

"Irina, wait! Please, wait up." He begged. Irina stopped but didn't turn around so Steve stood in front of her.

"Just get back in the car, Steve. I won't be long." Irina told him.

"Baby, talk to me." Steve said, gently taking ahold of her shoulders.

"What is there to say?" Irina shrugged.

"That letter. I don't want a letter. I don't need a letter. I just need you to talk to me. Wasn't that our deal? Please, just tell me what's going on up here." Steve cooed, stroking her head.

"Thank you, Steve." Irina murmured.

"For what?" Steve questioned, furrowing his brows.

"For everything. There isn't enough words in that letter - or in the English and Russian languages combined - to tell you how much I appreciate you. And how much I love you. But just incase I don't get to tell you again. Thank you." Irina said and Steve let out a long, shaky breath and took Irina's hand in his.

"You can't do this, Irina. You can't shut me out like this. You can't. Not now. It's you and me, remember? Always." Steve reminded her of the lyrics of her favourite song. Irina stroked her fingers over Steve's hand for a moment before letting out a sigh and letting go.

"I won't be long." She whispered and resumed her journey towards Hopper and Svetlana's gravestones. The pain she felt when shutting Steve out was agonising, but it had to be done. She was gonna die anyway. Irina perched herself in her usual spot in front of her parental figures graves and retrieved the letter she had written to them.

"Dear Jim Hopper and Svetlana Guseva,

I already know by now that you probably can't hear this, but I'm gonna speak anyway since this might be the last time I get to do it. I think I'm going to die today. That's why I'm here.

Five years ago today, I was still in Russia. And if you told that recluse little teenager that she was going to have the best years of her life soon, she wouldn't have believed you. But you two are two of the main reasons why they were the best years of my life. You gave me parental love and care that I never thought I would have. That I never thought I deserved.

You both gave me a family and I feel like I took it for granted and I'm so, so sorry. I just wish that you were here. I can't even tell people the truth about how you two are heros. In a messed up way it makes me glad that I'm the one dying today. It means that I won't have to lose anyone else, because if Steve died before me, I don't know what I'd do with myself.

We had these plans for our future and I always knew he was making a mistake by choosing me when he could have anyone he wanted because I can't give him what other people can. Everyone I love ends up in a grave. But, I just wanted to come here to tell you both one last time that I love you, and I can't wait to see you again.

From your loving daughter,


Tears were streaming down her face by the time she'd finished reading the letter. She quickly wiped them and folded the letter neatly before slipping it back inside the envelope. However, when she lifted her head again, the whole graveyard was dark. As if it was night time. It was eerie and silent.

It was silent until she heard her name being called out. The voice was echoed but sounded so familiar. What she was used to hearing by this voice was soft, soothing words, but this time it was dark and sounded somewhat evil.

"Irina." It was Svetlana's voice. "I've been waiting to hear those words." Irina scrambled up off of her feet to see Svetlana emerging from the mist. She was covered in blood and wearing the same clothes she wore the day she died. That's how she must've looked when the demodogs got ahold of her.

"Svetlana?" Irina mumbled.

"You feel so much guilt about my death, don't you?" Svetlana said, walking towards Irina, who nodded. "I know why you feel this way, sweetheart." She said.

"W-why?" Irina asked, shakily.

"My death was your fault." Svetlana said and Irina shook her head, taking a few steps back.

"No." Irina mumbled, her body wracking with sobs.

"Yes. If you had told me what you were doing that day then I wouldn't have been forced to come searching for you. And I'd be alive right now." Svetlana grimaced, inching closer and closer to Irina.

"Stop. Please." Irina sobbed. The worst thing about this was that Irina believed every word she was saying.

"Sometimes you wish that you could join me, don't you? That's why I'm here. To bring death upon you just as you did to me!" Svetlana yelled and Irina was backed to the edge of a step, which she tripped on and fell onto her back. But when she looked back up, Svetlana was gone and instead, looming over her, was Vecna.

Steve anxiously tapped his foot against the floor of the car while he waited impatiently for Irina. She had been gone a while now and he was growing increasingly more concerned. It got to the point where he became so on edge that he just simply hopped out the car, deciding that it had been long enough.

"Where are you going?" Lucas asked.

"She's had long enough." Steve said before jogging over to Irina. "Baby, I think we should..." Steve trailed off when he saw that she wasn't moving. "Babe?" He questioned, crouching down besides her. That's when he saw her eyes. It was her time.

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