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THE FIVE TEENS pulled up outside Lipton's house where they suspected Eddie was hiding out. It was pitch black outside and they all approached the front door with torches in their hands. Dustin rang the doorbell over and over again but there was no answer so he began banging on the door rapidly.

"Okay. Well that's settled. I guess he's not here." Steve concluded.

"Eddie! It's Dustin!" Dustin yelled, still smacking the door. "We just wanna talk, okay? No cops, I swear. We just wanna help!"

"Great." Steve sighed. While Dustin was hitting the door, Robin, Max and Irina scoped around a bit, shining their torches through the windows and such. Irina walked around one side of the house to reveal something completely new.

"Guys." Irina called. They all came around the corner to see what Irina had seen. A boat shed behind the house. The five of the slowly made their way down to it and Robin poked her head in the door first.

"Hello?" She called out. "Is anyone home?" Everyone followed her inside when their was no answer. They all shone their torches around the shed, searching through the mess.

"What a dump." Steve mumbled, picking up an ore and holding it like a bat before jabbing a bunch of tarp that was in a little boat.

"Whoa! What're you doing?!" Dustin exclaimed.

"He might be in here." Steve said, jabbing it some more.

"Just take the tarp off!" Dustin said.

"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off." Steve remarked. Irina rolled her eyes at the pair and took the end of the tarp between her fingers, deciding whether she should let Steve and Dustin bicker over it some more or just do it herself. Choosing the latter, she lifted the tarp up slightly to be met with hair. Irina's eyes widened and she jumped back when a person leapt up from underneath it. Everyone else jumped back too and Steve dropped his ore when the person pinned him against the wall, holding the sharp edge of a broken bottle to his neck.

Triggering Irina's enhanced reflexes, she picked up the other half of the smashed bottle from the floor and wrapped her arm around the person so now Steve was pinned against the wall with glass to his neck, but the person pinning him against the wall had Irina's arm around their neck, also with sharp glass pressed to their neck.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Eddie! Eddie, stop!" Dustin yelled with everyone else. Despite Irina threatening his life, he didn't stop threatening Steve's. "Eddie, it's me. It's Dustin! This is Steve. He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?" Dustin questioned.

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